Just to clarify: the report itself wasn't done by Reuters (abettor of terrorism and scourge of manliness), but by an American university (only slightly less sympathetic to terrorists, I know, but still). And I'd caution you to quit blaming our bombs, made by hard-working men and women in the heartland, who don't need you denigrating their labors.
Hey, you commie bastard, we're painting schools. Why don't you report that, huh?
Are the schools being painted red? I bet red paint is easy to come by.
John Kerry should come out and say what we've all been thinking: all those soldiers who are painting all of those fucking schools are wasting valuable time and effort that should be spent securing the country! Do we really want a commander-in-chief who thinks that a fresh coat of paint on a school is more important than making sure the children aren't randomly shot on the way to school?
Our soldiers are doing a heroic job, but our president is betraying them daily by his sheer fuck-tardity!
I'd reserve judgment, at best, myself. My memory of how we (allegedly) slaughtered hundreds of thousands in Afghanistan with our massive and indiscriminate carpet bombing is still fresh.
10,000 is a bad enough figure that one doesn't have to go with speculative and questionable vastly larger figures.