"Google is usually at most only one day behind reasonably well-trafficked blogs."
Which I, niggling little person than I am, find entirely unsatisfactory, just as I do that technorati picks up on posts half a day or more later, and Kinja just clumps things up every half day or so.
This will not do, I cry out!
If the web stands for one thing, it is instant gratification!
Stands, but yet falls too many times.
I desire and need far greater responsiveness! Everyone get to work on this! Do I need to sell you posters from When Worlds Collide [the movie], or something?!
Um, well, then why not just replace that useless box with an actual Google site search box? I have one of those on my humble site, and it works great.
Do tell. How'd you do it? I recall some Google site search button that "customized" results, but I didn't want that.
<form action="http://www.google.com/search" name=f>
<input type="hidden" name="hl" value="en" />
<input maxLength=256 name=q value="" />
<input type=submit name=btnG value="Google search" />
Thanks, Ben. But that doesn't get me a site search, does it? (And, wouldn't you know it, I'm searching for something on the blog right now that Google hasn't indexed.)
oh right. Duh. Adding <input type="hidden" name="q" value="site:unfogged.com" /> to the form seems to fix that.
Thanks guys. I'll add it when I have a bit of time.