Many thanks for the shout-out, Ogged. My girlfriend, who loves your site, will be starstruck. As for Coulter, I don't really like blonds. But in contrast to the universal liberal sentiment of "I'd never touch her", it'd be kinda hard to pass up the opportunity, don't you think?
I mean, the Coulter sex tapes, recorded via handy cell phone, should go far towards ending her association, and thus publications, with the rightwing. And for that, I'd gladly bed one for the team.
This actually raises something I was wondering about. If (a) we're all agreed that Republicans are (perhaps unintentionally) killing those things about America that we love, and (b) most people get their politics from their parents, then (c) are we morally obligated to start cuckolding Republican men and women just to disrupt their family lives (thus liberating the kids and the savable spouse)?
It's a pursuable strategy, but caveat: I suspect gun ownership rates are rather higher among Republicans than Democrats.
Yeah, Limbaugh's personal problems have totally destroyed his associations with the right.
Ask not what Ann Coulter can do to your country; ask what you would do with Ann Coulter?
Ezra, while we all stand in awe of your committment to the cause, I ask you to read the last bit of this (starting with "WARNING TO ALL GUYS") and to let us know if you waver.