I haven't seen Sideways but I have seen Million Dollar Baby so I can't compare the two. However, I will say that you can't go wrong with Million Dollar Baby.
I've heard that Sideways is great. Keep meaning to see it.
Bill Murray + Basic Instinct = weird concept. Or is that just me?
Very weird, which is why I mention it.
Maybe we should go see Sideways, pg ;)
Oh, that's right. You mean after dinner? Our date is tonight, isn't it?
You know, I think baa really did make the reservation. We're breaking the poor guy's heart.
Yeah, but I told you ... I don't cross time zones for a first date :) Nothing personal.
(I do, however, think FL and I may be in the same time zone)
Well, that was the original plan. I still think you two are a good match. Come on pg, he's not going to be pushy about it.
Alas, Franz's table goes unoccupied at the Greens tonight...
The movie you want to see, ogged: Blade.
Probably too late (what time is it in LA?). I've seen both, and you won't go wrong with either. Million Dollar Baby is gut-wrenching. Hilary Swank is just phenomenal, and I was weepy, but I've been doing that lately, I think it's stress. The Time Traveler's wife had me sobbing last weekend.
Sideways is funny and smart. I felt uncomfortably typed by the Giametti's character. I've said way too many of the same things about wine - dissing merlot, praising french chardonnay. I felt like such a type. Oh, and it's totally ridiculous that such a neurotic, self-hating guy hooks up with a hot woman who knows wine better than him, but somehow I'm ok with suspension of disbelief on that one. I can't imagine why.
I suggest Attack on Princinct 13... if you like WELL MADE action movies.
What is it with the unfogged boys??? I'm not going around asking y'all out when I already have my own stalkers right here in Gentleville, no travel required.
Great, so now we compare (unfavorably) to a stalker. You know what? Maybe the Unfogged boys are tired of wooing your high-maintenance ass. How 'bout that. Huh?
if that is your definition of wooing ...
baa? You out there? Ogged needs some help.
God, more abuse. Usually, pg, when women say no to a date, they don't keep coming back to tell the guy what a terrible wooer he is. Aren't you too short for me anyway, dammit?
Hey, profgrrrrl! Welcome to the "you're just too..." club (too slutty/too high-maintenance).
What, are we the only three people awake and blogging? I can see this isn't going to end well for me. Uncle.
Oh, pgrrrrl and I are talking about you in chat right now ;)
I am too short. And I wear heels, sometimes. But I didn't say no to a date because I was never actually asked on a date.
Anyway, if I'm defined as high maintenance ... that doesn't leave a huge chunk of the female pop to count as your medium and low maintenance (and then let's not forget no maintenance :)
bphd and I will share a secret with you if you join us in chat :)
So you can abuse me in real time? Where are you guys?
I think I once set up an Unfogged chat room. www.unfogged.com/chat yup, it's there. I haven't ever used it though.
we're on AIM. how does this chat thingy work?
Bah, who knows? It's not private anyway.
Oh, you want a private chat with me and profgrrrrl? It'll cost you...
"art(y)"? Those films are EXTREMELY arty. Pittsburgh's a great place for movies at theaters, and those movies played here for a total of nine days (one week for Notre Musique, two days for Goodbye Dragon Inn).
But thanks for introducing me to The High Sign. I generally assume there aren't any online movie reviewers who aren't included in the RottenTomatoes search (except for RuthlessReviews and the Onion AV club).
I meant to ask you, Ogged, when you're not trying to make out with my future grrrlfrrrnd, do you go to movies alone? I admire this ability but do not possess it.
You spelled girlfriend wrong.
Yeah, I go to movies alone. Also out to eat. Oddly, lately I have trouble going to new restaurants by myself.
Do you feel like everyone is seeing you and feeling pity? Or what?
Y'o'u'r'e' s'u'c'h' a' c'o'c'k'k'n'o'c'k'e'r'. The problem is that I try to wear this expression like "I'm not pathetic; I'm simply by myself and enjoying it, thanks much" but it's hard to fit all that into an expression. And I don't want to look like a doofus.
My vast experience with my fellow humans tells me they're far too self-absorbed to care at all about who else is at the movie theater. Plus, it's dark. What about restaurants?
So, I looked up cock knocker, to see if there was a precise definition. Apparently. But I was betting that it was the term for guys who do those double-penetration scenes in porn, and knock cocks with other guys. Oh well.
I'm bad with restaurants in the same way. I wish it were normal to eat alone, because I like it, but I feel like I'm singling myself out.
Restaurants are harder. Mostly I'm fine until the host says "Just one?"
I find it easier to eat alone if I can sit outside. The cafe style seems more suited to the lonesome diner. Ogged, do you bring a book with you when you dine solo?
God you guys are neurotic. I eat alone and go to movies alone all the time. (Ok, I used to, before I had a kid.) It's pleasant.
Though I agree, restaurant-wise, that it's more pleasant to go to a place where you're a regular. You can read, or converse occasionally with the staff, and have a nice, leisurely, pleasant meal in silence. Bliss.
God, could I possibly have used the word "pleasant" more often in that post? My excuse is I still haven't had any coffee.
Oh, I freely admit that I am neurotic as hell.
That is for each of you to decide on your own. I am neurotic, but I am not a braggart.
OK, so what does "high-maintenance" mean here?
I usually use "high-maintenance" to mean "requires much coddling and gentling along, or will freak." But I have also heard it used to mean "takes lots of time to put on clothes and makeup," which is what I think Ogged means to say about pg. But which is it? The first, I think, is a much more important category.
e.g.: I am definitely not high-maintenance of the second type; before moving to Milwaukee, I was a "wears athletic shoes everywhere" type. (Now I am a "wears athletic shoes or boots everywhere" type.) But I have had friends accuse me of being high-maintenance because, when we are doing things together, I prefer doing things I want to do to doing things I don't want to do. And, asking an unbiased observer, I received confirmation that I am high-maintenance. (I later realized that I should have known what answer I would get from someone who knows from personal experience that I am a "shows up at an ex-girlfriend's place of work bleeding from the temple and asks her if she can give him a lift home in his car" type.)
So anyway, which do you mean?
That's a good point, Matt, and one that I meant to comment on a couple of weeks ago. I'm sorry that "high maintenance" has become the short-hand here, because my girlfriends have always been notably high-maintenance of the first sort (though I wouldn't say requiring gentling and coddling so much as attention and engagement), but not at all high-maintenance of the second sort.
Wearing athletic shoes everywhere is *definitely* high-maintenance. You have no idea how much energy it takes to keep yourself from saying, "are you wearing those godawful things again?" every time you see them.
I usually use "high-maintenance" to mean "requires much coddling and gentling along, or will freak." But I have also heard it used to mean "takes lots of time to put on clothes and makeup," which is what I think Ogged means to say about pg.
Well, for the record (since the high maintenance comments were made about me) ... I require very little coddling and don't freak easily. But if you smother me or try to control me I will run away. AND while I definitely care about my appearance and I do wear heels and sometimes makeup, I can do the whole routine (shower, shave legs, dry hair, dress, put on makeup -- as in, ready for a nice evening out) in 15 minutes, tops. On a lazy weekend morning, I'm likely to just get up, throw on clothes and go.
You can call me a consumer/fashion whore or something like that for caring about my appearance, but the high maintenance label just ain't gonna fly.