Ok, I know it's Unf's link, but isn't it time to remove Instafool from the blogroll?
See, Insty links to a lot of places that Unf likes to read, so that's why it's there.
That was the rationale he gave before.
Actually, I read instapundit a lot. I'm not sure exactly why, maybe just to keep my blood pressure up, but it's become a habit. Does this speak to leaving the link up? I have no idea. You see, I've been paralyzed by indecision since I became a lefty academic.
I read him every day. It's the fastest way to find out what the right is talking about.
I do think he's lost his mind, but he was decent to us (commenting here, linking to us a couple of times) when we started, and I think he still does that for other bloggers. Plus, he knows my real identity, so I don't dump on him as much as I probably should.
OT: someone's comment-spamming you.
There was a Wired article about blog comment spam that I saw via one of these blogs (maybe here); it said that the comment spammers usually target obsolete threads for some Google-related reason. And your current spammer is targeting old threads. So what i was thinking was, why not expire each comment thread after, say 72 hours.
oh, and keep the Instapundit link as a relic of the early blogger days, when left and right mistakenly believed they had anything to say to each other.
why not expire each comment thread after, say 72 hours.
Noooo!!!! Then how would I ever be able to leave comments like this one? (You can't tell, but it was left four months after the post.) I mean, Ogged wants the comments to turn into chat rooms, right?
That is actually what I do on my own blog.
More OnT, I second David's comment.
Believe me, I know all about comment spam, and if you see any of it lingering here, it just means I'm away from the computer. And yes, expiring threads is one way to combat it, but I won't do that, because I like people dropping in long after most of us have moved on, just like Matt says.
As for Insty knowing my name, back in the early days, I sent him a long message responding to some things he'd posted about Iran, and hoped he'd post it as a "so and so writes in to say..." but he said it would be better for me to start my own blog and have him link to it. So, I confessed that I already had a blog....
For all I know, he's forgotten all about it...
I set my site to moderate any comments that are on posts aover two weeks old, and then to reopen for 48 hours after a comment has been approved. Works very well.
That's a nifty idea. What does the poster see when their comment is moderated? Does this require a plugin?
It's MT-Blacklist, the last two options when you hit 'Configure'. The text it returns is:
Thank You for Commenting
Your comment has been received. To protect against malicious comments, I have enabled a feature that allows your comments to be held for approval the first time you post a comment. I'll approve your comment when convenient; there is no need to re-post your comment. Return to the comment page.
(the last sentence links back to the comment page, natch)
Thanks, I see it now. Interesting. Have to think about this.
I understand that y'all read Instafool, but judging by Ogged's OPML file, he reads a lot that's not on the blogroll. I see people's blogrolls as a type of "seal of approval," a recommendation to your readers, "if you like my stuff, I think you'll like this stuff over here." To each his own, though; I'm just part of the peanut gallery.