a co-blogger of mine recently had something similar happen: he wrote about some guy he knew in elementary school, and two weeks late that guy (who he hadn't talked to since) emailed him.
Yup. These are what made me realize this is possible: One and Two.
What, everyone doesn't read to the end of my posts?
For the record, if the maiden-named "Janet Gardner" from Iowa is still around . . .
I google a crush from high school occasionally. But I don't really google exes, or even the enormous crush I had no shot at; I google the ship that passed in the night. Weird, no?
What, everyone doesn't read to the end of my posts?
That post was one long stream of blibbidyblah. "Oh, I'm Ogged. Oh, I'm stupid. Oh, I'm fat." I can't make it through that stuff. I got birds to chase.
I'm just looking forward to the hiatus because it'll force Unf, Labs, and Alameida to post more.
I'm just looking forward to the hiatus because it'll force Unf, Labs, and Alameida to post more.
What do you have against Bob?
I forgot about Bob. He posts on a quarterly basis, right?