The type that's fully aware of their formidable intellect, but lacking the restraint and self-esteem to corral it. So they end up proofreading your emails and gracelessly correcting any grammatic failing.
Recognize anybody here?
I have to say, I thought the same thing, but in re: Mazo? "too-too-toolio".
Yeah, Michael's been bugging me lately too.
I also loved the homage to Fontana & Saheli with the title Tool Time.
Michael, in the immortal words of google: did you mean: 'lately'?
Also I noticed for the first time that Mr Mazo held (what I assume is) a masters in econ from Harvard, and one in poli sci from Oxford before he went on to get his law degree. At my MA program, there were a some MA-MBA or MA-JD joint degree students, and they -most of them- were good guys, but I think there's an inverse relation between the number of advanced degrees you have, in different fields, and your toolishness
He was born to philander.
Maybe he should drop by the Mineshaft.
mike, in that instance, deliberate mispelling for effect.
...once again, I miss the joke completely. I swear I have a sense of humor IRL.
my humorous self-deprecation is subtle like a ninja.
I think there's an inverse relation between the number of advanced degrees you have, in different fields, and your toolishness
Case in point: I remember TA'ing a math bootcamp for entering professional students during my PhD. The first morning at like 7am while I'm madly prepping some MBA-JD followed me into my office propounding on his rationale for the dual degree, which was capped by his pronouncement "I'm all about customer service". Which I just had to laugh at.