So, L.A. I've been a bunch of times, as Ex basically grew up their.
Whatever floats your boat, man.
Fortunately, I have no idea what you're talking about.
Give a guy a chance to read over his post.
I believe there's an error you hanve't yet discovered.
Agreed about L.A. having an inexhaustible supply of hidden goodies. I think. See, what bugged me (okay, ONE of the things that bugged me, all the "pretty" people at the Whole Foods in Brentwood bugged me too) about the place during my summer there a couple years back was that I was always in my car.
Now, I'm okay with cars, and I like driving. But they do make it very hard to find the hidden goodies. Often I'd catch sight of a hidden goody but wouldn't be in a position to be able to take advantage of it at the moment (often because I was seeing it down below somewhere from up on a freeway overpass) and then could never find it again. I was always catching glimpses of places that looked like they had potential, but when you're zooming by it's hard to tell, and there's only so much circling back, parking, and checking it out that you can do. So I also sort of have a suspicion that my impression of lots of hidden goodies was inflated by false positives.
Here in NYC I'm always on foot, so I can more easily sieze the oppurtunity to take a detour and discover the cool shit all the time. Plus, quirky/deranged people on foot are MUCH more amusing/interesting than quirky/deranged people in the car in front of or beside you. That old woman who once told me "stay on your side, stupid" made me laugh, but if we had been in cars I would probably have been seeing red. Plus, no lines for gas.
SB, are you talking about the misuse of "enormity"? I fear that has gone the way of "beg the question."
So "enormity" should be parsed as "e-norm-ity", the quality of being outside norms?
the misuse of "enormity"
I did not know this. Learn something every day...
Oh, 'hanve't'. Was that there last time?
And there it is in 5, too. Christ, I suck. (Or ogged has been reediting the post and comments to mess with my mind. Those crafty counterintelligence maneuvers!.)
11, ogged has threatened to do that to me.
I haven't changed anything here. That typo was there originally, and there it will stay.
Ah, forgot to reply to Mitch. Yes, agreed on the driving thing. It's much harder to just go explore in L.A. You have to have a source of information, which sucks. I too prefer places that can be walked.
And why aren't you in Greece yet?