"if you could read it, you needed to get laid."
Or maybe have your speakers blown?
ps What's with the "Teh"? (I'm apparently channeling Ben w-lfs-n just now...)
What's with the "Teh"
That spelling is teh r0xx0rz!!1!
as for the actual t-shirt... well, I can't find it. But there are a variety of similar ones here, the best one of which is, I think, this one.
My co-blogger Robb will soon unveil his web site featuring the famed Scott McLemee Fan Club shirt, among others. I recommend saving up your t-shirt money for that. If you requested l33t spelling, I'm sure it could be arranged: "Teh Scott McL3m33 Fan Cluxorb."
Looks like you can buy the shirt DE mentioned here, here.
I thought you weren't commenting this week, "Adam."
It came out magical.
Great, great, song.
Almeida, you should immediately get hold of "Mass Romantic" as well. Quality. You probably already know the collaborative filtering recommendations that follow from Electric Version, but for what it's worth: That Dog, The Breeders, Magnetic Fields, Throwing Muses.
You could get a "teh" shirt (scroll down), and then scrawl "New Pornographers" underbeneath it.
Electric Version was just about all I listened to for about two months a couple years ago. I've picked up a few of the member's other works, and aside from Neko Case's stuff, have largely been underwhelmed. There's a special magic when these folks get together in a studio.
And now I see that they have a new album coming out at the end of August. That's frickin' awesome.
Eerie... I'm listening to "From Blown Speakers" right now.
That whole album makes me irrationally happy.
Blog-weeks are shorter than normal weeks.
They rule. But, if their new album has a song about increased electicity production in Iraq, all bets are off.
It's funny you mention a prejudice against the band which I specifically mentioned just getting into (I'm late to musical trends, what can I say?) in my "Send socks from Singapore" project e-mail. Does that mean that you assumed I was evil while assembling a CD?