I'm going to the beach tomorrow if the weather holds ... so maybe I'll have something for you then. :)
Can your beak hold more than your belly can?
This is off topic, but I notice that the terrorists in London spent a lot of time at the gym.
I suspected as much, but if I had said so, people would have mcoked me.
But that would have been the first instance of the clause, "people would have pwned me" ever recorded by google, which should have been motivation enough to write it.
Actually, Weiner, Google's advanced algorithms distinguish between use and mention.
So anyway, I thing they should surveille gyms and profile fitness type and leave normal people alone.
No one seems to be biting.
I agree! So long as they leave cyclists alone.
I think that the fifth man was a cyclist.
Guys under 35 who have a BMA less than 30. That would get most of the terrorists.
I have four columns inside the weight room ... and a fifth on the exercycle.