Thunderbird's built-in RSS reader does fine for me at work. can't say that I love it, but it gets the job done.
What's love got to do, got to do with it?
Why don't you like Sage? Or any of the others? What are you looking for? A little more information would be useful.
You're supposed to read his mind, tim.
I figured that asking for loved software would lead to good recommendations, regardless of my anticipated needs.
(Sage takes up part of my browser window, and I don't like that. I don't remember what was wrong with the others, as I tried and discarded them so quickly.)
i just saw this today
Sage takes up part of my browser window, and I don't like that.
I sounds like you want an invisible piece of software that will nevertheless let you read blogs.
Thank you tara, I'm using it now and it looks promising.
To the rest of you, I scarcely know what to say. It seemed like a simple request. I just wanted you to introspect for a for a moment: am I using an RSS reader and do I love it? If yes, my virtual friend Ogged, the blogging machine, would like to hear about it.
So you have three options, really, for your RSS reader: braille machine, Morse beeper, or (if your limbic system is sophisticated enough) odor modulator.
I am using an RSS reader, and I do love it... but it's on a Mac. (Shrook, for those who care...)
This will probably be futile (telling someone to change browsers is FIGHTING WORDS, pardner)... but the Opera browser has a nice integrated RSS reader
Bridgeplate, I'll bet that baa understand the difference between a "browser window" and the "desktop".
mike d, at least, understands the request.
If you want your RSS reader in a different window, just open a new window in Firefox and use Sage in that one. What am I missing here?
What I really want is for Sage to stay in its own tab. I don't want to have two instances of Firefox running. Habari Xenu did this properly, but had some other problem.
Is this another one of those times when you dismiss something for one reason, but it's really for another reason, so attempts to counter the first reason fail miserably except to produce a 500-comment thread as a byproduct?
Appeal to neutral third party: am I missing something here, or is SB missing something here?
Comments 16 and 17 were simulposted. I understand your objection now.
We're comitose with comity.
Like A', I'm using Thunderbird at work. I love it, but I'm not in love with it.
I like how Matthew's posts at TPM Cafe come in RSS with comments. It's too bad yours don't, because unfogged is not the same without the comments.
There must be some deep psychological reason that I haven't posted a link to that feed yet.
There's a MT plugin floating around that lets you syndicate the N latest comments in chronological order. See here.
Correction: it's just a template edit, not a plugin.
My vote goes to Feed Demon:
Really quite good for everything (enclosures for podcasts, organizing feeds in various ways, etc. etc.) You can also use it with an online service to sync your various feeds between office and home computers, I think. And the programmer seems a nice fellow, who seems to take customer feedback/issues very seriously.
Unfortunately, it costs money. You can try it out first, though.
And here's the updated, non-broken version.
SB, I can't imagine why you'd know about that unless you have a blog.
I thought we'd already established that SB knew all?
You can't imagine which, why I'd know about the template, or the template/plugin distinction?
1. Opera is a brilliant browser (better than FF, really!), but the RSS implementation is (possibly was) terrible. FF's real advantage is that plugins are everywhere; if it weren't for that, I'd use Opera for more than just M2.
2. Ogged, I don't understand your complaint about Sage. It doesn't have to render the content at all; it can stay in sidebar. If it does render the content, I'm sure it can be set up to make use of tabbed browsing (assuming you have the tabbed browsing extension). I think you need to cut back on the alcohol intake. Or go with SB's mind implant reader.
SB, why you'd know about the template.
Tim, I don't like that Sage takes up the sidebar.
I googled for "movable type comments feed".
Ahh. I think I understand. You want a reader that is entirely contained in a tab. No desktop space wasted while not engaged in RSS actions. Fuller use of available desktop space when engaged in RSS actions. Is that right?
That makes sense. I withdraw "alcoholic" and replace it with "emotional fuckwit."
I do comment on certain blogs. Does that make me a blogger?
Your comments here, Timbot, constitute the longest and strangest courtship of a blogger in the history of blogdom.
I use Moz. Thunderbird for mail and RSS and love it deeply. Reading blogs like mail makes a lot of sense to me, somehow.
I've never liked RSS readers. I use the panel feature in opera (which conveniently opens and closes with the push of F4!) to simply bookmark all my blog-reads.
which means, in case it was unclear, that i can just click on my left side-bar and navigate around ze blogs.
Your comments here, Timbot, constitute the longest and strangest courtship of a blogger in the history of blogdom.
Don't be too sure about that. Remember, I too once had a Non-Creepy Blog Crush(TM) on the Galt. Looking at her politics, I'd have to argue that is stranger. And as FL's NCBC continues to this day, that is longer.
Obviously, neither really qualifies as courtship, but then I'm not really courting you. Perhaps you mean o-courting?
The charge is that you are courting me. scmt-courting.
It may be passive agressive and emotionally stunted, SCMT, but can't we just be honest? We can all see it. No need to be coy.
I use Feedreader and have no complaints, though I must say, I don't think there's anything much to love about it. I very much like the fact that it's just an icon in the systray and not a browser window, but I save my love for higher-level programs.
Please pardon my ignorance but what function does an RSS reader perform?
HEY - stop it - stop it right there. You were going to say it "reads RSS," am I right?
I'm happy with FireFox but I'm way past ever being in love with any piece of software. Not after Xedit broke my heart.
Is there an RSS reader plugin for FF? Is that what sage is?
re unfogged rss feed
ogged could you (or someone else) make the feed bring up each post by itself with the comments at the bottom or even just the post by itself by passing the main page?
i hope that makes sense.
Yes, sage is an extension for FF that adds the ability to read RSS feeds to the browser. It's great, and it's on the FF extension board.
I thought o-earnest referenced the way that you (ogged) used the word "earnest", not the way that you were "earnest". So if I'm arguing that you are not using "courting" in the way that it would normally be used, wouldn't it be "o-courting"? I'm not arguing that I'm using the word in a novel manner.
I'll take my answer off the air, Dr. O.
I've long suspected that SB has a blog under a different pseudonym (or even a real name).
Also is it "arm smasher" or "arms masher"?
ogged could you (or someone else) make the feed bring up each post by itself with the comments at the bottom or even just the post by itself by passing the main page?
Yes, tara's got it. That would be a nice delivery alternative to separate feeds for post and comments.
Do RSS feeds refresh? I received the comment feed for the top post with a couple comments. Will it never update with later comments?
tara, now that I'm in your debt because I'm using and still liking the reader you recommended, I'll try to do what you ask. Does the feed in comment 22 not do what you want? (I don't know since I don't even use it.)
Oh, wait Tara, you and I have had this discussion before and the answer is no. Sorry! And thanks!
cw, the feed in 22 is post and comments in one. I think the refresh depends on your reader. The feed itself does update, yes.
A fair point, Tim. Which doesn't change the fact that you're courting me.
Also is it "arm smasher" or "arms masher"?
When I bestowed the name I liked the fact that it was ambiguous while still masculine. Unlike Doe Snot and Cow Orker.
So Kri Ston which do you prefer:
Arm Smasher or Arms Masher?
Tripp, I explained RSS a bit back here,.
I think it's a lot like Matt Weiner's nickname�you're not supposed to interrupt it.
Or Smarm Shear, formidable cutter-though-unctuousness.
I like Sharpreader. It isn't perfection, that would be Lifrea, but I'm no longer running linux.
Using multiple machines makes a web-based solution nice for me. I like It's up-to-date no matter what machine I am on.
Newsgator has a web/ online version too. You don't have to use Outlook. Of course, that fails ogged's other criterion, that it be non web-based. But for the rest of you...
I'm with fasteddie on this one. I'm to impatient for bloglines to update the blogs I know have multiple posts per day, so I check those (atrios, kos) on my own, as well as those that have active comment sections that I read (here, Making Light). It's not perfect, but it works for me because I check my blogs from so many locations.
(I'm also too impatient to proofread myself. Would you believe I've made my living at multiple times in my career as an editor, proofreader, and copywriter?)
Is that the problem with web-based RSS readers? Their irremediable sadness?
I won't date Russians either.
Nor women with sufficient junk in their trunk.
Is that the problem with web-based RSS readers? Their irremediable sadness?
Nah, they're just ugly.
I've actually found bloglines to be really slow in reacting to new posts, so I reverted to instead going back and actually reading the blogs i want to.
Noted in 63 that Ogged did not, in fact, specify "women."
Either you think I'm also courting you, which may or may not be true, or you're plantively asking for my prayers to help you stay straight. Given the freedom of interpretation, I choose the latter. But, instead of being sympathetic, I'll let you help yourself. Choose wisely, O-san.
If you have a Google account, you can put RSS feeds on your start page (click add content on the upper left, and Create a Section). Of course, that's web-based too and unqualified. But it's my current favorite so I thought I'd mention it. is the url for the start page.
So, until today I didn't use RSS. I'm finally setting it up (using Sage), and on the four feeds for group blogs that I've added so far, I note that the feeds don't include post author. Is this because I've set it up wrong, because Sage sucks, or some third option?