I don't suppose you've ever heard of a shopping list?
What makes you think I wasn't using a shopping list?
Speaking of your affection for power bars have you ever tried Sahale Snacks? I tried the soledad blend the other day and thought it was very tasty.
It's more expensive than a power bar and may have more fat than you want. But it's all nut oils which are supposed to be good and I thought it was a nice alternative to an energy bar.
Never heard of those. I'll check them out.
Why does anyone need a 3-way bulb? Third setting's too damn bright; first setting is usually too damn dim. At the most you want a 2-way or a 1-and-a-halfway bulb.
The thing is, we are so ourselves. And it's good that we are, don't you think? It's so much less confusing this way, although an active memory is also useful. (Been there, but forgot about it.)