We have to fill the gaps of the missing members.
Next up, I start coining wacky neologisms.
Especially given how difficult it is for a squirrel to mix a pina colada with those little paws.
Is this a reference to "Bad Sneakers?"
I've never heard of "Bad Sneakers" but that's no reason this can't be a reference, I suppose.
We have to fill the gaps of the missing members.
We have to fill the gaps of the missing members.
Damnation. That was supposed to be signed "Post-op Transsexuals".
You're going to edit the comment so it reflects my artistic vision?
Actually, I was going to assfuck you, but your suggestion might be easier for both of us.
Either that, or he's behind you, planning to fill your gaps. I'd take cover.
What, the assfucking has commenced? Or maybe it's over, and I didn't even notice.
I suppose an "at the mineshaft" is really superfluous right now.
It would be like throwing a comment into a Kos diary.
My persona went to Unfogged, and all I got was this lousy butt sex.
Speaking of piņa coladas: are you explaining squirrels, or justifying squirrels? If you are justifying squirrels, you have some explaining to do.
Ogged would only bother justifying the squirrels if they were voicing unpopular views on sex and manhood.
On the other hand, if you're explaining squirrels, you're fully justified. (Actually, even if you aren't explaing squirrels, you're fully justified. Myself, I prefer ragged right.)
Ragged right, and plenty of leading.
I mean, for the squirrels, not LB.
Certainly -- those suckers are fast. Without plenty of leading you'll miss them every time.
I've always resented the way the neighborhood squirrels treated my dog -- taunting her mercilessly while she was stuck in the house, running up a tree when she was outside.
In Illinois, they have a lot more rabbits than squirrels, it seems like. Growing up in Michigan, I never saw a rabbit in a residential area, but it was an everyday thing in my idyllic small Illinois town.
I thought the Ann Arbor squirrels were the fattest I'd ever seen. By the end of the fall, they could barely waddle around the bottom of the trees. Maybe it was the pina coladas. I was surprised by all the rabbits when I moved to Illinois, also.