Looks like he's kissing her dress.
Next time we see you, we'll all kick the seat of your pants, 'mkay?
doesn't Petruchio spank Katerina's gown in The Taming of the Shrew? Can't find the quote.
A bare-ass kiss would be real progress.
Wow, that's actually really disturbing. The Dear Leader mentality is real.
"You are the best governor ever - deserving of great respect!" she wrote in 1997, in a belated birthday note that was typical of the tone she used in her correspondence with then-Gov. Bush.
Well, not so much that she could be bothered to get him the card on time.
Unlike a lot of other folks in the administration, Miers seems to take her faith seriously. To some extent, the self-effacement and ass-kissing could just be a form of humility. (Yeah, it makes my skin crawl too.)
What could "No more public scatology" possibly refer to? Clearly he wasn't getting tired of her blatant brownnosing.
Are we discounting out-of-hand the possibility that he didn't fully understand what that word means?
Dane Cook is teh funnay!!!1!one! Anything he does is comedy gold. Harriet Miers' blog is pretty close, though unintentionally. Maybe like comedy bronze, with a special silver bar for merit.
Pretty sure the Miers blog is supposed to be funny. Though nothing on it is as funny as Miers IRL saying "I hope Jenna and Barbara recognize that their parents are 'cool'."
Wait a minute. Does she mean 'cool'? Like, is Miers planning to hang out on the back steps of the court with Justice Cheech?
Dane Cook is teh funnay!!!1!one!
...with a mustache. Seriously, the one album of his that I've heard was weak; on the other hand my friend who i trying to make it as a standup comedian has recently changed her mind and thinks he's good.
Waiting a week won't hide the fact that you're still an avid reader of The Superficial, Ogged.
Honestly, the one week I forget to check the site...