Did the boss finish the sentence by saying, "that is, all things of art, you really have to start dressing better"?
"On the premise that you're responsible for everything here that moves, but is not alive..."
...would you please remove Ms. Schiavo from the lobby? She's freaking out the receptionist.
Would one consider a part of something that is alive alive as well? Because if not, perhaps it was a come-on.
""On the premise that you're responsible for everything here that moves, but is not alive..."
... would you please banish your undead servants back to the nether world from which they came? Phnglui mglwnafh Cthulhu Rlyeh wgahnagl Ftagn!
At the very least you should start issuing some memos about the company's hair and fingernail protocols.
Apropos of nothing (relevant to the post), the viola totally kicks the violin's ass, all over the place.
When I was wee, I knew that everything ultimately consisted of particles in constant motion. I took this to mean that if you set a turnip (for instance) on the kitchen floor and waited long enough, you'd eventually find it at some measureable displacement from the turnip origin.
Ben, violingt92 says you're full of it:
I lUv My ViOlIn...ViOlInS aRe So MuCh BeTtEr ThAn ViOlAs...I lUv ThIs IcOn BeCaUsE mY FrIeNdS tHaT pLaY tHe ViOlA aLwAyS kId ArOuNd SaYiN tHaT vIoLaS aRe ThE bEsT aNd AlL mY vIoLiN fRiEnDs SaY tHaT vIoLiNs ArE tHe BeSt...ThIs Is tHe PeRtFeCt IcOn!!!
Try to rebut that, Mr. w-lfs-n.
Given an expansive definition of long enough, this is probably true. Especially if one's mummy happened along and said, "What is this turnip doing on the floor?"
Okay, no one's at work today because of the strike, and I am bored.
You left out the "remem" part at the end, short for "remember that I'm just joshing".
Re: 9
I once inadvertently tried this experiment with a pumpkin. Sure enough, after a few weeks the pumpkin began to displace itself across the floor. In all directions. In gooey, pungent form.
"this is the continuation for my other post: ReMeMbEr...VIOLINS ARE THE BEST!!!"
Huh. Hoisted 'pwn my own petard.
How awesome is the strike? It sounds like a free snow day from elementary school.
Assuming that the observer and the observed were effectively immortal. It might take literally billions of years.
The point being, there is a faint possibility that ogged is responsible for every material substance that is not also alive.
Except the having to walk around in the cold part.
This is such a shameless play for a mocking thread, ogged, you remind me of this girl that flirted with guys by getting them to mock her. I think her father must have teased her constantly growing up.
But that's what he said, cw; and I couldn't not share.
Ok, I'm pretty sure I'm about to break the comments, but with luck, it'll just be temporary.
Woot! Now let's see if the duplications stop.
Double woot! I think the problem's solved.
They have evil-alien-mecha sheep?
if you set a turnip (for instance) on the kitchen floor and waited long enough, you'd eventually find it at some measureable displacement from the turnip origin.
Even that can be art.
I had had in mind a closed system with neither rot nor mothers.
Is Leibig playing bass there? His syncopation reminds me of a series of sonatas for saxophones written by Garland Anderson. Also, Steuart is the only spelling that accurately portrays the sound of that word.
Especially if one's mummy happened along
you have a mummy? and it walks? cool!
When I was wee, I knew that everything ultimately consisted of particles in constant motion.
I secretly thought that by looking at a sunbeam coming into a (dusty) room, you could see atoms.
you have a mummy? and it walks? cool!
All mummies are to report to ogged, as per 5.
"... could you please clean out my Real Doll?"