You almost have it.
Various righty readers email to say that Pat Robertson is not the authentic face of the Right.
I wish I agreed with that. But, sadly, he is its very image today.
I agree with you, but the rhetoric is very problematic. I imagine you recognize that, which is why the tentative post title.
But I know I get annoyed when someone or other conflates some specific personage with "The Left", which, anyway, is represented by Norbizness.
Where is the outrage on the right over Pat Robertson? That's what I want to know.
It's only a matter of time before someone claims to be outraged by the outrage.
Robertson has infinitely more importance on the right than Churchill has on the left. He's not in any way a marginal figure; along with Dobson and a few others, he one of the most important leaders of Bush's core constituency -- about 30% of the electorate. Loony Armageddonists have an influence on US foreign policy. (The comforting mainstream story is that the Bush team is duping and using the Armageddonists, but there's absolutely no reason to believe that. The Bush team may or may not care about abortion, but they're sincere about Armageddon.)
The outrage is on backorder.
(Who does the clips for Harry Shearer?)
Joe (in 3, ignoring later posts, as per custom): you sound to me like a righty rightist conservative right-leaning rightista. It's unfortunate that your party represents not the American MainStream TM, but instead the right-leaning far righty conservative righty righty tighty whitey interest groups that congregate in the barren stretches of waste land between the two coasts (and great lakes area).
If politicking were a stream, you would not swim in the stream, nay, you would be far up the right bank with all the other whitey righties, wearing your starched nighties and watching Mighty Aphrodite (odd in that Woody Allen is no friend of the blighted righted).
Is it wrong to do this, when the other side has won elections in like fashion?
righty righty righty righty rightist rightist rightist rightist righty rightist righty rightist rightist righty rightist righty right right right right right right right right right right right right right.
Arguably? What's arguable about this. It's obvious.
Is that a new typing exercise?
a a as as asd asd asdf asdf j j jk...
It seems also to be the case that Standpipe Bridgeplate is KF's SO.
Pat Roberson represents the hairy, engorged cock of the Right that is fucking America.
Aw, shucks, you guys are swell.
This is the most labor-intensive foreplay ever.
You're not kidding. Ben should fuck us up a program.
Dude, you cheated a lot. But it was still good for me.
It sounds of ass-cake to me, too.
In other news, we've conquered the text-to-speech problem.
Sometimes cheating is totally worth it.
I'm not sure whether to be happy or sad at finding a page full of orgasm and fart noises.
Ok, so when you guys finally get around to this threesome, can I watch?
Sure, silvana. Bring a friend.
The magic of the internet: I can throw my feces anywhere in the world.