this is the type of post that would be best served on your other blog.
sure, but somebody's got to fill the bastard role when w-lfs-n posts.
we're all still working things out.
lint puppet is the new little bitch.
does that mean I owe more quarters for the comity jar? crap.
w-lfs-n, I enjoy your posts both here and on your other blog. Don't go away like _gged did.
I think I'm going to do only substantive comments from here on out. Those, and the kind of comments where I supply a fact. And the comment where I Reveal All.
I'm only going to do entirely superfluous comments. The more things change . . .
I think I'm going to do only substantive comments from here on out.
If Standpipe does that, I'm going to go all Farber.
You mean you'll stop reading the blog?
Granite is an igneous rock, and gneiss, metamorphic. Fact!
In which case, I get to be Armsmasher.
can I get an e-mail alert for when Standpipe Reveals All?
Never mind, this sucks. Sorry Becks; Matt.
13 was the one where you Reveal All, right?
13 was the one where you Reveal All, right?
Maybe, if you had the means to decipher it. (Check your email, slol.)
Check your email, slol.
Now I Know All!
And to think, it was geological all this time.
I was sure you were going to say, "Made you look."
I hope this is not the creation of a secret unfogged, hidden behind the public one, by e-mail only.
What can the Bridgeplate reveal about shist?
I'm so lost, and confused to boot!
I prefer shale.
on who? if anything there's too much discretion.
"The Bridgeplate"? Like "the Ukraine"?
Before this gets out of hand, I should say that any actual revelations will proceed according to ogged's principle of solicitude. Fear not.
I reserve the right to refer to comment 26 when appropriate.
Like "the Ukraine"?
No, like "The Batman".
when appropriate
When would that be, then?
I'm really sorry, everyone. That wasn't in the spirit of cameraderie at all.
Wait, what? We're keeping secrets from each other now?
We're not keeping secrets in private, but we are in public?
So text's 1 gets it exactly right, after all.
I thought we weren't keeping any secrets in private, but were all colluding to keep our secrets in public.
Or something.
I'm so awfully confused. As though a hunk of cheese ground into my ear and all the while I know not why.
29: There is no definite article in front of Ukraine; it is isimply Ukraine. My sister's heaing out there in about amonth for the peace corps.
This is what happened: I pretended to let slolernr in on a secret. And then I realized that it was a jerky thing to do, teasing you all like that.
There is no definite article in front of Ukraine; it is isimply Ukraine.
It's no big deal. Why, it's just like the time the
at dawn
plea agreement.
That story never ceases to amaze me.
Our privates secrete a pubic colloid? Come again?
there is a secret. that much is established.
Granite is an igneous intrusive. It forms plutons, unlike igneous extrusives. Composed of quartz, feldspar, and a soupcon of mica. Macrocrystalline. Classic outcrop: half dome, in Yosemite. Personally, I prefer cross bedded aeolian sandstone.
Schist is good, but some prefer Slate. Join us tomorrow night for another episode of esoterica
There is no definite article in front of Ukraine
But there used to be. Like the Lebanon, the Sudan, the Yemen and the Congo. I believe it denotes a colonial province, or at least a non-autonomous region.
That story never ceases to amaze me.
Did I ever tell the joke about the ... oh yeah, I did.
49: slol, yes there ws, but it's very important to Ukrainians' self-esteem that we drop it. Ukraine means, I believe, border. It was the border. It's considered rude nowadays to note their previous subjugation to thir Russian/Soviet overlords. Of course, we can always choose to be rude here at unfogged...
this is the type of post that would be best served on your other blog.
I only have one type.
I think Slo is right. Definite article with terms that refer to an area (the great plains, the sahara, the Gobi). No article for proper names of Countries (except the USA). Maybe there's a distinction for countries that have their own adjective (the United States, the Belgian Congo)
My Yukon relatives report that the Yukon should now be called, simply, Yukon, owing to some kind of weird assertion of local pride. In the past it was "The Yukon Territory," so I get how "The Yukon" would rub in that territorial status; however, since Yukon remains a territory, I have no idea where the locals are getting their pride.
#48. Schist. *Hits head.* Thanks for being nice about it.
Is Yukon still a territory, not a province?
Right. "The Mineshaft" is descriptive of an area. One wouldn't just call something adit.
Yeah, as I understand it, in Russian there's a similar dispute over which preposition to use with Ukraine. One implies it's a country of its own, the other that it's still a region of Russia.
What does Blixa Bargeld have in common with Johnny Cash and Eddie Money?
Or … this? Second name relates to money?
Name designates a male human being who was alive at some point in the last three years?
Second name relates to money?
Yes, a musician whose surname means "cash" or "money" (according to Wikipedia).
61 is also presumably true, albeit a tad too general.
Public notice to men of the world, apropos of nothing: If a woman is standing on the corner of a street, at midnight (wearing a suit, for chrissake), do not automatically assume she is a hooker. There are things called buses. Occasionally, people have to stand around to wait for them.
That is all.
I was somehow under the impression that Eddie Money had (prematurely) died in the last few years, but happily says otherwise. It's amazing how there's a website for everything imaginable (and many things unimaginable).
They're all reputed to be/have been male, but that doesn't prove beyond peradventure that that is true. See, e.g.,
Good point, Frederick. For all we know, Johnny Cash was a woman.
"June Carter Cash" is an anagram of "deviant lifestyle". Fact!
It's a city. Teh Hague.
That's implicitly adjectivial.
I think most of them are in English, often with "Territory" understood. Also cf. "the Sudan." Arabic, of course, does this much more, and with little apparent rhyme or reason: al-Kuwait, al-Iraq, al-Yunan (Greece), but Lubnan, Suriya.
(Also German: die Turkei etc.)
So is Steven Den Beste, but you don't hear me crowing about it.
80: I think everything gets a "the" in certain circumstances, in Arabic, right (if you know better Arabic than I do, I will be so ashamed of myself). Like for example, if you wanted to say someone was in Lebanon, you would say they were f'il-Lubnan, which translates to "in the Lebanon." Yeah?
82: I don't think so, actually -- common nouns yes, but my impression is that for place names it either has it or it doesn't (we just discussed this today in class, so it's fresh in my mind). I can ask.
ben, can you please send me your e-mail address (to frhine at Thanks.
Email to blogger name at domain dot com
86: Ooh, you're in a class? Totally jealous.
Suddenly I am faced with the realization that in not much over a year, I will be done with school, probably never to return again. It's freaking me the fuck out.
Maybe I'll go for a phD in... something.
OT -- the Toto Wash-Let is the greatest thing since sliced bread. It boggles the mind that we are probably the first people on our block to get one.
I pretty much totally didn't want to know that.
Christ, everything I say offends someone.
I hope this is not the creation of a secret unfogged, hidden behind the public one, by e-mail only.
24: That would be "fogged."
I vote for "onfugged".
Blixa Bargeld probably wouldn't fit in with the guys from Mayhem, then.
"My relationship with sheep is a bit ambivalent now. I like them, but not when they come flying through the air. I have a headache now."
He has filed involuntary assault and battery charges. Band member Rune Eriksen, whose stage name is Blasphemer, said that the incident was unfortunate.
"The whole thing was an accident, but maybe it would be ideal for another show," he commented, and promised the injured fan a ticket for their next show.
The band could face charges with a maximum sentence of six months in prison. Police detective Carl-Petter Leganger said an investigation was underway, but that "nothing suggests this was a conscious act."
Mayhem, whose songs include 'Necrolust' and 'Deathcrush', are no strangers to controversy. In 1991, lead vocalist Dead "lived" up to his name when he committed suicide. Drummer Hellhammer then made a necklace using some of the skull's fragments and guitarist Euronymous reportedly cooked and ate pieces of Dead's brain.
Euronymous was stabbed to death two years later by the band's bass player Count Grishnackh, allegedly due to the fact that Euronmyous had a more "evil" reputation.
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The Open (Album)Hot Chip (Video)Mystery Jets (Video)The Go! Team (Interview)
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"My relationship with sheep is a bit ambivalent now. I like them, but not when they come flying through the air. I have a headache now."
He has filed involuntary assault and battery charges. Band member Rune Eriksen, whose stage name is Blasphemer, said that the incident was unfortunate.
"The whole thing was an accident, but maybe it would be ideal for another show," he commented, and promised the injured fan a ticket for their next show.
The band could face charges with a maximum sentence of six months in prison. Police detective Carl-Petter Leganger said an investigation was underway, but that "nothing suggests this was a conscious act."
Mayhem, whose songs include 'Necrolust' and 'Deathcrush', are no strangers to controversy. In 1991, lead vocalist Dead "lived" up to his name when he committed suicide. Drummer Hellhammer then made a necklace using some of the skull's fragments and guitarist Euronymous reportedly cooked and ate pieces of Dead's brain.
Euronymous was stabbed to death two years later by the band's bass player Count Grishnackh, allegedly due to the fact that Euronmyous had a more "evil" reputation.
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The Open (Album)Hot Chip (Video)Mystery Jets (Video)The Go! Team (Interview)
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The People's Republic of China. The Federal Republic of Germany. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland