I just got one... I don't know if it's too early to expect the fix to have been applied.
The refreshing is pretty slow still.
I just got a 500 internal server error.
Grrr...they said that our mt_comments.cgi script is using a lot of resources, which is the same problem we had on the other host. They upped our resource usage limit, hoping that would fix it. Looks like there's something about our site and mt_comments.cgi that we're going to have to fix.
I haven't seen one yet, for what it's worth.
I got one about five minutes ago after posting a comment. I knew enough to just back away from it and refreshing the main page, to avoid double posting.
Would you believe I got one posting about the previous one just now?
I notice the home page is slow to show new comments. Is that related?
Also, still with the chastisement about the odd elements in my hash assignation, which sounds like I'm being accused of strange admixtures in narco-indiscretion.
If you make a comment and get an Internal Server Error, it won't show up in the sidebar until one goes through without the error.
The hashtable error is being investigated.
Just got another infernal server error.
Isn't it possible that the "something about our site" is that we get lots of commenters, and lots of people reading the comments?
It's possible, but are our stats *really* that outrageous?
Poo. Just got another one.
It's not as though I expect every single comment to go through every time without a hitch, mind you.
are our stats *really* that outrageous?
There's no way we are executing the comment script more than any of the big poliblogs.
Is a polyblog a blog with more than one blogger?
Don't most of the big political blogs use Haloscan? Drum and Atrios both do, at least. One of the downsides of Haloscan is that comments archives get purged after a couple of months, or so I vaguely remember reading once.
I'm no expert, but Drum's comments don't look like Haloscan. Mtcomments.cgi etc. Atrios is blogger-powered anyway.
(Got one or two more 500 errors.)
I've seen elsewhere that a lot of these spam scripts are looking for "mt_comments.cgi" and that renaming the file from the default filename can reduce the crap.
An example is in this thread:
Making Light Thread
I've seen this solution mentioned in other places too, but a quick Google ain't helping.
Not that it's on topic, but Haloscan doesn't purge old comments if you pay for it. I think it's about $25/year. They don't keep up the comment #s, though, so it *looks* like old comments are gone unless you click the "comments" link.
And just got the 500 error again! Guess the comment thingy doesn't like us to mention that other program.
md, considering all the effort becks just went through to make sure old comment links would still work, I doubt we're going to be quick to adopt that solution.
I too have now looked upon the dread face of ISE.
Say "what" again, I dare you.
let's do server! server server bo berver banana fanna fo ferver me my mo merver: server
I haven't gotten any ISEs, but I was wondering about the archives. I happened to be looking for that great old "porn movie titles" thread (so I could link to it from an apostropher thread) and neither google nor MT search could find it. I searched for "spermaid" (as in "The Little Spermaid"), which I know is in at least two of the comments, and got no hits.
So, didn't want to nag, just wanted to let you know in case you didn't know already. Thanks for all the hard work, both posting/commenting-wise and technical, you do for this exceptional blog, and here's hoping everything works out fine.
Another such, with "The Little Spermaid"? I suspect not.
Also, M!tch, I appreciated Hef's Lump of Poo Movie very much, just so you know.
Showoff. (How you do that???)
But there is another such thread.
Also, M!tch, I appreciated Hef's Lump of Poo Movie very much, just so you know
Eh, I thought it was a bit overacted.
The much dreaded innocence thread has many, many titles. But you piffle, and will have to find it yourself.
Oh I know about the Innocence thread.
But the I Suspect Not thread was into that shit before anybody.
NEWSFLASH: Only fifteen more comments and apostropher will get his first Century!