But that pipe is scary; I guess we'll just have to wait.
Dude, blogging from the post-op recovery bed? That's some dedicated shit.
That, and/or the man is crazy. And/or bored shitless. Don't they have cable TV in hospitals any more?
So the cancer is like movies being downloaded, clogging the pipes so regular people's internets can't get through for days?
Glad to hear it hadn't spread, and best wishes for a speedy recovery.
mmmmm, cancer sausage
Yeah, where're Ogged's comic books? I'd expect a post-op of 4-7 days might one time to wrap one's head around Crisis on Infinite Earths.
'Cancer sausage' is the new 'wizard cocksucker.'
Glad the surgery went well.
I don't know, cancer sausage seems more like wizard cocksucker with a moustache.
Pfft. First the stomach thing turns out to be a false alarm, now he doesn't even have metastatic cancer. If he keeps this up, I'm going to start thinking it was all a gigantic plea for attention.
(Okay, not really. Yay good news!)
Wow. I expected blogging-by-proxy or maybe even blogging-by-dictation. But blogging-from-post-op? That's a whole new level.
So glad to hear the good news. May the healing commence immediately -- you've got a gift certificate to use!
All the comments up to this point get it exactly right.
yay for ogged boo for suck ass kidney way to go ogged.
when the lady comes by to make you move around at night, tell her to shove it.
Ogged is victorious! All hail ogged!
VICTORY OVER Communism Fascism Sausage! YAY!
['Next: the Sausage Crimes Trials.']
Back from Europe in time to say: Yay Ogged!
The fact that Ogged has triumphed over kidney cancer and didn't even have to get his stomach removed is super-awesome.
I, for one, will miss Ogged's kidney, which brought me so many years of blogger-kidney joy.
A moment of silence, please, for Ogged's kidney.
I am glad for 25. Here we are, I thought, hating on what was so recently Ogged's kidney, so recently a part of Ogged himself. Yes, the kidney turned on him, and had to be excised from the pack, as all traitors and turncoats must. But can we not spare a moment of regret for what once was?
No! No mercy for traitors! Hate the kidney!!
But for probably three decades-odd, the kidney did its work filtering the toxins from O's blood, absorbing the poisons he willfully ingested, excreting urine. Is there no reward for unacknowledged service? Is not the tragedy inherent in any tragic turn of events (tragic, of course, for the kidney, not for O. himself, who is far stronger than the doomed rebellious fiend, but so recently still a part of the heavenly host, now cast out upon the burning lake of discarded medical waste) tragic precisely because the fallen was once part of the elect, and yet turned against all that is good and worthy of esteem?
Whatcha gonna do with your old kidney, ogged? Fava beans? Bronzing?
So glad that you doing well enough to blog about things. Take care of yourself, ogged.
So it turned out to be cancer in there. I'm glad ogged didn't take my advice to just "walk it off, little girl."
And ogged's kidney didn't turn on him, it saved him! How, you ask? By intercepting something cancerous he put in his body, thus preventing it from going and doing damage elsewhere.
Like, if that cancer had made it into his urine, instead of being locked up tight in his kidney, he might have ended up with cock cancer instead. Clearly that kidney is the hero!