Man, that confused me for a minute.
I noticed the URL, but from the post I just thought "LABS! Knock it OFF!'
Er, isn't the missing punctuation in the post consequential?
Indeed, nice title. (I had the same reaction as Cala, so I clicked through to PZ, and still didn't notice what was going on. So I was pwned. Hence my own reaction.)
The only alteration to the template, besides the e-mail being repeated and the en dash (or is that a hyphen?) is:
If you are looking for the real Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds you should visit
Wired misprinted his URL so we thought we'd have a little fun by putting the Daily Kos' content in Glenn's template.
I have decided, after careful consideration, that since the wired article doesn't say anything about the political leanings of Glenn's blog, there there is not even a slight ethical problem with this.
I felt like a computer after going ten rounds with Captain Kirk's illogic while reading that link. Does...not...compute...
Finally got it but it definitely took me a while.
It's a sad commentary on Labs's influence on me that I immediately thought "hyphen, parody."
While we're travelling in OppositeLand, I'll just note that this is not a parody.