I've shown the video to people who didn't think it was funny at all. They must not be human.
Some people like to be contrary. Some people won't laugh at anything you introduce with "this is funny," even if they would have told you it was funny if they'd found it. So either not human, or just bad people.
Did you see Simmons on the best national anthem performances today? I'd forgotten that Whitney Houston actually had a great voice. (I had such a crush on her after the "How Do I Know" video.)
toss the tired textbooks. kiddies can get their american history fix via youtube.
Did Harry Potter fuck the shit out of muggles?
Timbot, you bastard, you made me watch the Mo Cheeks thing again. That shit makes me cry every time.
That Marvin Gaye was sublime, and Mo Cheeks is a prince among men. I'd have added James Taylor before Game 2 of the 2004 World Series, but maybe that's just me; after the ALCS, Britney belching in Fenway would've had me choked up.
by-the-by, it looks like you can set up the Harry Potter thing (Wizard People, Dear Reader) on your own. Looks like I have a project for this week.
Wandered into it by accident at the Bad Idea Theater and thought it was very funny.