Tia has a secret weiner and a new bush? Man, some girls have all the luck.
Where does one go on Google to see this?
These sound like searches from commenters looking for stuff in old threads.
These aren't searches. It's a frequency analysis of words on the site.
How did Drymala get in there? He's not that frequent a commenter.
Are those in order of frequency? Because I refuse to believe that Joe D is beating me, father of your future children though he may be.
They're in order of frequency. But remember that I was on the Google crawl status site to begin with because their index of Unfogged is pretty jacked.
Surely the Mormons beat out the Jews for number of references, as well.
Sorry that this is off-topic, but since I know there are some Arabic speakers on here I wanted to see if they could confirm what these t-shirts say (click on the "Graphic" link at the top left for a big version). Do they actually say "I Am Not a Terrorist" or is it a poor translation?
That is what they say. The ones for men are slightly ungrammatical (I'm 90% sure), but the women's are fine.
Ah, thanks good people. Did anyone consider sending the person who made the t-shirts a quick email about the grammatical mistake, since they asked?
it's ogged, people.
main archived
that's apostropher, women.
ben w-lfs-n matt lizardbreath weiner
men bitchphd read, post.
there's tia.
new bush labs
though fontana isn't pretty, might man sex guy?
blog actually didn't he's war
torture michael, unfogged.
work standpipe joe john bridgeplate white
fuck guys, clown woman, maybe name becks "asian cala".
love chopper person seems text art
bob kids drymala, life, saying book religion.
emerson somecallmetim world games porn story jews reading
The T-shirt is great. I wish he had some way of indicating, perhaps through something on the back, that the shirt, or the act of wearing it, is a deeply American act.
Gawd, I hate these motherfuckers. I wish there were a way to deport the lot of them.
I wish he had some way of indicating, perhaps through something on the back, that the shirt, or the act of wearing it, is a deeply American act.
Maybe a flag or something?
Yeah, exactly. I guess I didn't know if that would be clear enough. Anyway, good for him.
Of course I would have to follow 'men.' Sexists, the lot of you.
Eh? Look how high up "women" is. You're not the only one.
Oh sure, Teo, you can say it's just a coincidence. That's just a really convenient argument, isn't it?
I don't know what you're talking about.
14: Perhaps they could put the writing in a word balloon coming out of Bruce Springsteen's mouth.
As a non-American, I'd like to observe that free speech is not a uniquely American value. Just sayin'.
12: I was about to send an email, but then I started to doubt myself and spent half an hour trying to figure out whether "terrorist" is a diptote. Then I got distracted by something and forgot about it.
"free speech" s/b "civil liberties."
20 was to 18. Don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. You know exactly what I'm talking about.
I seriously don't know what you're talking about, b. I don't see how 20 has any connection to what I said in 18.
I'm not playing dumb. I honestly don't understand what she's saying.
I'm cariacaturing myself. By bitching that the word men comes before my fabulous pseudonym. And you're actually taking it seriously. And 18 was like, a serious response, so I ratcheted it up by pretending that you were merely excusing the status quo.
I mean. Am I that knee-jerk that you thought 17 was for real?
Don't answer that.
I wasn't taking it seriously; 18 was also a joke. 20 sounded like a response to a claim that I said it was a coincidence, which is something I might have said but not in fact something I did say. Hence my confusion.
I wasn't taking it seriously; 18 was also a joke.
Do you want your 4 AM calling privileges reinstated or not?
And with that, I take my leave. Tomorrow's a school day.
Good night, everyone.
Goodnight, Teo. Talk to you in about 3 hours.
i'm sorta new here but i thought you guys talked about cocks somewhat frequently?
Yeah, gotta be ubtle-say about the ocks-cay around here.
You can T-shirts made of this sort of thing at SnapShirt.
Here's a preview of an Unfogged one.
How did Drymala get in there? He's not that frequent a commenter.
It's because everybody's always talkin' bout Drymala.
And I've been busy! I've got a show opening soon, people.
I'm suprised that "Persian" isn't higher up the list.
Please don't mention the Mexican, Joe. This is a family blog.
Plainly, we don't say "cock" enough, here. cock.
Chopper! It's not my fault, I just typed in the url, honest! You can force it to change certain words to others - I'd definitely have a huge Chopper if I were the type of person to get T-shirts printed from blogs that I read.
And, cock.
You'd have to, if you wore a shirt like that.
You people who haven't told ben that 46 is funny are haters.
Cock haters.
I just thought it was a suitable way to end the thread.
Ben also once explained just where we stand in relation to cock jokes.