Hopefully this post will keep Smasher from exploding from keeping the secret any longer. And, true, Spencer doesn't comment here.....YET!
Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun! But I thought 'Smasher was saying on the other thread that he did not want to let the cat out o' the bag just yet -- did you clear this disclosure with him?
We discussed it. This was arranged before I left for Australia but we hadn't decided when to tell. But keeping the secret is increasingly difficult. And it kinda slipped out at the meetup last night so we figured it would get around.
Plus like maybe I should have checked the thread to which I was referring first. Ah well.
Anyways, this is a nice revelation but we still did not get the dirt about what hook-ups occurred -- I mean SCMT wasn't at the meetup so the love-child stuff can only count as old news.
OTOH if Smasher, Becks and SCMT are involved in some kinda weird triangle with multiple pregnancies, that would be something newsworthy.
Clown�, I won't have you tarnish our good news with your gutter talk.
I'm still waiting for my picture, Smasher. Maybe you could just send me a video of the delivery instead.
How does this benefit Unfogged? And why hasn't anyone gotten Ackerman to comment here? Or is he dull or something?
12: I don't know that you should be asking questions, given that you have some explaining to do.
A delivery video for 'postropher.
The International Man of Mystery never explains, baby.
How does this benefit Unfogged?
A central clearinghouse for meetup goodness for commenters coming through D.C.
12: Unfogged now has a mailing address?
A central clearinghouse for meetup goodness for commenters coming through D.C.
Has any post-Unfogged World Tour meetup even had a write-up? You people meet, and the rest of us are left wondering who dresses funny, who planted the seeds of diddling with whom, and who we should be trying to plant the diddling seed with ourselves. Give back to the blog, leeches.
So, uh, Ogged, you tried to get yourself a Russian bride? Is this the real reason you're worried about getting your citizenship revoked?
"I do know some people in Canada, and they've been scoping out places to live for me," in Ukraine.
Without answering your impertinent question, Fontana Labs, I'll just note that some Ukrainians would take exception to being lumped in with "Russians."
And it kinda slipped out at the meetup last night so we figured it would get around.
Hey! I'm no blabbermouth!
That washer/dreyer, though, don't know about him.
it kinda slipped out ATM last night so we figured it would get around
18 - Fine. Silvana and DA kept slipping out for "a smoke". They're totally taking a page from Drymala and JM's playbook. I know it.
Also, the guy who works at the front desk in my building now thinks I'm a lesbian. NTTAWWT.
So how many webcams will be installed, and where will will they be located?
Well, I think it's great that you went in person, Ogged. Much more polite than sending emails.
Silvana and DA kept slipping out for "a smoke"
And they both speak Arabic, the universal language of suicide bombers jihad sand Arabic. Very suspicious.
I agree that the writeups are lacking. However, it's much harder to do writeups as people become "friends" instead of "random people I chat with on the internet who I am meeting once but will never see again".
I will say that Silvana? Was awesome.
80: I just assumed it meant something I didn't understand. The 'rock sax' thread threw me completely -- god alone knows what the distinction between 'rock' and 'rock and roll' and whatever the rest of the arcane distinctions you people were talking about is. But Vega isn't in any recognizable way particularly like Anderson.
31 is anticipating that by 50 comments hence, this thread will have morphed into a venue for me yet again to confuse Laurie Anderson with Suzanne Vega.
So what are you going do about the awesome green floors, Becks?
The DCist link is to Catherine, formerly of Zunta.
18 - It's pretty useless to try to sum up the evening, as it was just DA and a bunch of actors we paid to stand in for us. The rest of us don't know what happened.
Wow. Unfogged is like craigslist: you can find roommates and cock jokes.
im in unf0gged cleaning ur r00m.
Smasher, your photo captions are cracking me up.
So, bloghouse roomies, what's the story with...SEX?
1) You're all going to diddle each other aren't you?
2) If I lived in a house where every other person had a blog, even I, the love machine, would slow up and look for some privacy.
Also, mike d continued the tradition of lurkers who rule.
This word, "diddle", I don't think it means what you think it means.
Michael, you ignorant slut, check it out.
If I lived in a house where every other person had a blog
actually, every other person has (or, recently, had) SEVERAL blogs.
i'm excited.
Ogged, you muslim camel-whore, most people use the word to refer exclusively to female masturbation. Conform.
Spack's blog is strictly about baseball, and he doesn't comment here. We diddle him with impunity.
You cheater, you edited your comment.
I like 5b, "to practice masturbation upon".
(I have only ever heard "diddle" used to mean "have sex with", and not since I was about 8 years old.)
and he doesn't comment here
That's why he's kept locked up in the basement.
..."to practice masturbation upon" sounds like a definition for whatever the verb form of "facial" is.
I see I need back-up. Urban dictionary basically agrees with me.
Re: the post. Y'all gonna have a guest room with bunk-beds for future meet-ups?
Cute, linking Yglasias with the "my".
All four rooms and the basement bedroom are currently occupied, so visitors who want a bed have to work for it. But we have couches, sleeping bags, and basement space aplenty for crashers.
Has any post-Unfogged World Tour meetup even had a write-up?
If you read my blog you'd know that I wrote up the one I attended.
The yearly Unfogged conference/camp-out will alternate between D.C. and the Yukon.
so visitors who want a bed have to work for it
59 meet 45
I think you should invite Lee Seigel to stay for a month or 2, so he can research his book.
55: "facialize"? "be-facial"?
And to wipe your partner off with a tissue afterwards is to "deface".
Then not wiping your partner off is "saving face".
Diddle means both women masturbating and fucking/fooling around between two people, Michael. Sorry.
Agreed that Silvana is awesome, and also agreed that you people are insane. Living with another blogger would be bad enough; living with a bunch of people who all hang out in the same corner of the blogworld, entirely too incestuous. Freaks.
MY and I don't even speak to one another any more—we just sit in the same room and IM one another links to blogs, articles, MySpace pages, that kind of stuff. Occasionally we break to make dinner.
Occasionally we break to make dinner.
And then, the prostate massage!
"As of November 4, the Unfogged group house is becoming a reality. Meet my new roommates."
Surprises me 0%. Back when we called blogs "fanzines," people taking up residence together (or sleeping together, getting married, feuding, sometimes overlapping, sometimes not, plus more) was the norm.
Inevitably human/social dynamics.
Congrats, maybe, though.
(Hey, I can use my Inhuman Predictive Wisdom elsewise, if you ask.)
Gary, does anyone care if you're surprised? Or, really, if anyone is surprised?
Old thread: "We'd have to get B and Farber in on the deal if we want to sell this."
I have an abhorrence of confrontation in person.
I'm also very conciliatory, so as to avoid the other.
I do tend to type in my undies, though.
Or less.
In fact, is anyone interested in any of these comments? What am I doing here? Who are all you people? My God, what have I done?
(Geez, Ben, lighten up.)
(Hey, I can use my Inhuman Predictive Wisdom elsewise, if you ask.)
OK: How long til this thing takes its ordained course and settles into a 'Smasher-centric personality cult?
"Farber: "If you bothered to read my blog, I explained earnestness last week."
Well, yes, I'm still a snot, but in a kinder, gentler, way, and with such a twinkle in my eye, and such charm and adorableness that no one can resist me.
That's what's lost by ASCII.
Plus my powerful sexual appeal.
But, really, I'm hilarious in person. Why, people laugh at me all the time.
81 - I have seen the error of my ways and will now go out drinking.
This could be tough to explain to my boss, I don't think he believes in epiphanies.
Yglesias his lieutenant, Becks and Catherine his concubines.
Man, I really should search for how many times my name is mentioned around here when I'm not looking, but... danger, Will Robinson!
"Gary, does anyone care if you're surprised?"
Well, I wouldn't think so, Ben, and yet -- strangely -- I thought I might comment anyway. I'm wacky that way.
I think it would be hard to live with roommates who blog, because then you couldn't complain about them on your blog as easily.
"In fact, is anyone interested in any of these comments?"
I was just looking for an excuse to mention that I post nude most of the time.
You could just set up a series of additional secret blogs they don't know about.
"OK: How long til this thing takes its ordained course and settles into a 'Smasher-centric personality cult?"
I need more knowledge of the household. Who sleeps with whom how many times a day, and what are their specific sexual preferences?
And who can cook at various levels, and who mooches?
And who are the sloppy versus neat ones?
The breakup tends to come around the latter two, more than the first.
Though if you want to complain that they post nude most of the time they probably already know that. Likewise if you want to celebrate that they post nude most of the time.
Gary -- if you would just get a webcam it would go without saying.
"I think it would be hard to live with roommates who blog, because then you couldn't complain about them on your blog as easily."
No, literally, we used to do all this by typing on stencils, and then using mimeographs, and the reactions would take somewhere between days, weeks, or even months.
Same damn dynamics, exactly, though. It's just immediate now; that's what fascinating to me, although I realize that for most here it's as if I'm describing Ancient Egypt.
Anyway, subtly in wording is an ancient skill, and taking offense is the same as ever, as is misinterpreting.
But the cooking, cleaning up, and who thows out the garbage, and goddamnit, who used up my shampoo, issues, tend to be the same.
And, hey, living with sympatico people can be a great, terrific, fantastically supportive dynamic, in fact.
Or it can all go Pete Tong.
I was a big fan of house meetings, but they don't work for everyone.
Communications skills: good. But being a good political analyst, and a good housemate, and being able to talk about one, versus the other: orthogonal skills.
I do kinda miss living with fun people.
On the other hand, I don't think I'd trade my current ability to be free from aggravation with other people for it unless I really loved them.
Also, mike d continued the tradition of lurkers who rule.
I'm flattered, but you misspelled "stalker".
69: sorry, I'ma Central Time Zone boy.
75:Well, here in Real America, no one uses it the other way.
How long til this thing takes its ordained course and settles into a 'Smasher-centric personality cult?
hard to say, but I agree that this is inevitable.
That's actually pretty cool. I need to meet you guys at some point, seeing as I live in the DC area as well now.
Here's the time-dater: I was experiencing a huge wave of nostalgia for when we took turns at the IBM Selectric.
(The complex dynamics of the six of us, and who slept with whom, when, in what combinations, not mentioning the outside arrangements is another story. More complicated than changing an IBM typeface ball, anyway.)
On the flip side, I'm talking about the 1970s, and we were speculating about the arrangements of the sf community in the 1940s then; so what goes around comes around (not that you guys are the sf community; I'm just suggesting that the dynamics may not be wildly foreign).
If Ben would like pointers to Cockney slang, I'll be happy to provide them.
So, did I miss the Veronica Mars premiere thread?
Catching up slowly: "20
"You guys have room for Farber, right?"
I am so happy to be living alone these days.
96: What, no mention of the ditto-master or the hectograph? How can you teach the younguns history without mentioning the paleolithic age of blogging?
I've lived in two group-house environments; you're right about the 'cooking, cleaning up, and who thows out the garbage, and goddamnit, who used up my shampoo' issues. Not to mention the 'if your cat pees on the couch one more time, I will personally make a pillow cover out of her' issue...
You know, it just sort of hit me that I'm going to be in DC this weekend, attending a wedding. Anything Mineshaftish going on that I might latch onto?
Oh, and 'Smasher, is the UT/OU game showing up there?
Everyone was about how I'd imagined them, except for mike d, who I'd not much had the occasion to imagine, but was nonetheless awesome.
How is it that people who sit around all day commenting on blogs are almost invariably quite attractive? Doesn't that defy all common sense, you 47-year-old balding men you?
Better believe it, M/ M/! Send me a line if you want to stop in and watch with a bunch of militant Longhorns.
98: Aw, couldn't you have lied? Throw me a bone here.
When is the wedding M/tch? Or, more specifically, when would you be looking to get together? I'm in DC this weekend, too.
107, cont'd: Including Susan. And mebbe Catherine, MY, and Becks, who have all been pressed into the service of the Burnt Orange Nation. But if your wedding's on Saturday, I might have to demur; I'm leaving town Sunday morning. (Saturday night?)
When is the game?
Also, glad to see you made it home safe, leblanc!
I was in DC last weekend. But I guess that doesn't help much.
Then there is a good chance I may be over for the second half or so.
"96: What, no mention of the ditto-master or the hectograph? How can you teach the younguns history without mentioning the paleolithic age of blogging?"
Well, As-- Domineditrix, I-- no, I give up in giggles here.
Hysterical giggles.
What, next you'll want me to be talking about avacodo pits.
Why are you suddenly talking about Spanish-speaking lawyers?
Yeah, my flight was delayed a fucking hour and I made it to class on time with about 3 minutes to spare. That was after my cabbie almost ran out of gas.
"Anything Mineshaftish going on that I might latch onto?"
Considerable unintentional possible answers to that.
119: That comment belongs on Standpipe's blog.
20: Farber moved in months ago, and blogged about it, but did you read it then? Did you??
78: Please stay; my Alternate Time Zone wackiness requires a foil.
81: This is not my beautiful house...
108 "Throw me a bone here.": ATM, of course.
Um, you think I'd know more details, but right now all I know is that the wedding is Saturday. I don't know the couple, my girlfriend lived in DC for about ten years up until a year and a half ago, and she's taking care of the schedule.
I'll e-mail you, 'Smasher & Becks, and maybe we can exchange phone numbers. I may be able to make part of the game, or something else. I'll be in DC from Friday afternoon till Monday mid-day, and as soon as I get my shit together and know what we're doing when, I'll let you know.
Sorry for the late, and clueless, notice. It doesn't mean I take y'all for granted, honest!
Now, time to pack. Sure wish I knew what the dress code for the wedding was.
Morse in haste, remorse at leisure.
Then there is a good chance I may be over for the second half or so.
After our long awaited trip to the gun museum. A well-armed house is a happy house.
You're planning on stealing from the gun museum? Or do they sell firearms in the gift shop?
Wait, is #126 an oblique way of answering #45? Make him shave first, Becks.
We also need to know if there's a TiVo in the house.
there is! or a tivo-like thing. and also, everyone is great. people cook (well, not me, because i can't), share beer, share cigarettes, take out trash when it needs to, etc etc. that's right, we're living the blogger-house dream.
What I realised after all these "Mineshaft" comments is that there is a bar down the block from me called "The Mineshaft". Now that would be an interesting meet-up place... 'cept B and Megan and I would all have to go in drag.
Catherine can't cook? My dreams are shattered.
Yeah, but just wait till that slobby moocher Becks moves in . . .
132: i DO bake, however. but the boys are the cooks in this house, for sure.
w00t! my family will look for me in vain this new year's as I spend all my time ATM!!! IRL!!
131: Awesome! We should start hanging out there on a regular basis.
and somehow I never realized that I actually know armsmasher. this 'mousing over' technology all the kids are into these days is too complicated for me.
137 is (based on the accumulated evidence of Al's Other Blog) a radical understatement.
77: That's only to cure the hiccups.
Husband X has come up with a name for this new group of cohabiting bloggers.
'Smasher, obviously, is the guy with the hammer; I guess Becks should probably be the one riding an ant; and I expect Sausagely is most akin to the green fellow. Not sure if Catherine is the aviatrix or the armor-clad one.
138: Hiya alameida! So we're going to see you over around xmas, yah?
yeah, I'll be there for 10 days starting on boxing day. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. dc r00lz. are you all in the same place you were, but just with new people swapped in, or is it a totally new place?
Totally new spot with more rooms and uglier floors. But we still live in the same neighborhood. Maybe K-Drum will fly in for the WaMo holiday party and we can throw another adult party for all the bloggers. And if WaMo throws a party, Ogged's invited, right?
If alameida is coming all the way from the Far East, then a DC meatup at the end-of-06/beginning-of-07 is mandatory. And all you NY people should drive down, since it's no further than my drive up.
we can throw another adult party for all the bloggers
Or we could throw an adult party for all of the bloggers...
Yeah, nuts to your adult parties, Smasher. I'm not yet at a point in my life where I'm comfortable reallocating party funds from booze to cheese.
reallocating party funds from booze to cheese
What's more, Spencer's dog is absolutely cheese-crazy and will snatch it right out of your hand. It's could be a very dangerous situation.