Who's going to impregnate her now!?!?!?!?!
Fontana Labs, unless those misleading robo-calls deceive her about my honorable intentions.
1: I'm prepared to roll up my sleeves and take one for the team. I've even got some sires picked out.
3: For who gets to knock her up or who has to?
I imagine that the pain from this will make his next album much more soulful.
Oh the dirtiest trick of all! Disheartening voters and discouraging the Democratic turnout by suggesting that true magical love is a myth!
The work of Rove—or Osama?
Will she have to pay him alimony, do you think?
3: My wang does not touch parts that K-Fed's wang has touched.
#3, there's no "Chopper" in the LVS catalog. There's a "Hammer" though.
Thank the FSM I had already voted - clearly, this news leaves me prostrate with grief; I can but stagger to the couch, clutching my vinaigrette, and swoon, so overcome am I by emotion...
If I had to pick between Spears and Simpson (affiliation, not sex, etc.), I'd pick Spears. And on that basis, the very small part of my heart that still wants to look at Fametracker even today goes out to her. And even more, out to him, as he's lost his seat on the gravy train.
I recommend not talking or knowing about this or any other news about which celebrity is involved with which other celebrity in which manner. While recommending this, it's a position I hold while simultaneously recognizing that it's wholly idiosyncratic and not actually grounded in any principle.
I could try to tell a story about attention not being infinitely so one should prioritize its usage, but this both ignores important countervailing considerations and I think leads to conclusions I don't accept.
Just to help you get your hate on, ogged, MSNBC.com already has a poll up about the divorce, with 35,000 or so responses and options like "What took her so long?" and "Won't be long until marriage #3."
I don't know what's cooking, but that fiddle sounds mighty good.
The post is by Becks, but I'll hate along with her.
It's Becks who needs help getting her hate on, Robust McMP.
Damnation. I hope I paid more attention to the ballot this morning...
The superficial is reporting that she had a good prenup. I hope that's right.
I can't be bothered with elections or the Spears-Federline breakup. I'm on Fidel Death Watch.
can i say she looked pretty hot on letterman, or is only ogg allowed?
Because it would be sad for her to lose half of her millions to the world's biggest tool?
22 has it exactly right - this would be a drop in the bucket for our goals of redistribution. If only she could have a harem of dozens of tools at once, and divorce a few of them each year, each receiving a few hundred thousand. Then they could inject that money into their local economies.
Ned, I think you're overlooking the wonderful effects of the Fibonacci sequence. If she gets married one year and divorced the next, and all of her exes (and exes-exes) do the same, pretty soon all of Italy is covered with rabbits.
NPR says the left-wing blogosphere is talking about the races... and about Britney Spears.
Robert Smith, you reading here?