Go for it. I'm having the same thoughts about Speaker Pelosi. In fact, I want to send her not only flowers but, like, office furnishings.
Ah, ignore FL, he's too busy going through the dog personals to think straight. Send Rangel's office this, which is what I sent Pelosi's. What hardworking, giddy office staff would turn down sugary munchies?
Gift baskets for your elected representatives?
I'm not sure why that strikes me as....I'm not even sure what that strikes me as...its not nerdy, or even wonky...its just...yeah.
"office furnishings"?
I've heard sexual favors referred to by a lot of comical euphemisms, but....
"office furnishings"?
c'mon, B, just come right out and say you want to offer her your body, or furnish her with pleasure, or whatever you really mean. We won't be shocked. Too much.
Dingle and Rangel, Rangel and Dingle, oh my!