I liked the part where he was all, "Rosie is so fat!"
He said it wasn't the chubbiness, SB.
The clip looked scripted. What's the story?
All class, baby. All class.
Also, I prefer the link over an embedded video. The latter makes the site load more slowly.
2: It did have an Andy Kaufman vs Jerry Lawler feel to it, didn't it? Please say I'm not going to see Donald Trump wrestling Rosie O'Donnell.
I'm with Apo about the embedding -- the only person that should be allowed to do that is the Editors. Plus with the linking, we get to read the defamer's thoughts about the clip, which are even more entertaining than the clip itself (particularly if like me, you cannot watch the clip until later on.)
(I liked when he was all, "in the end, we just couldn't make ourselves give a shit about the Miss USA situation.")
I usually prefer linked to embedded too. But with any YouTube video, if you click on the video itself (but not on the "play" button) you'll be taken to the YouTube page, and to the right of the video on that page, you'll see the fields "URL" and "Embed." You just copy and paste what's in either of those fields into your blog entry.
Blah, blah, blah. You never can tell how these polished PR corporate types really feel about anything...
I like where he threatens to have another woman woo Rosie away from her girlfriend. Classy. But yes, hysterical.
"woo Rosie away from her girlfriend" s/b "woo Rosie's girlfirend away from her".
We did need a hate-on-Rosie thread at some point. The Clay Aiken thing was lousy, the Chinese thing was horrible. It's time for her to go.
But even if the video is not embedded, you have to click through to a site that has, yes, an embedded video. So where's the advantage to not embedding?
Wow, looks like Trump has recently had his face skin re-stretched.
in 13, "have to" s/b "can, if you choose to,"
So where's the advantage to not embedding?
Refreshes here are faster if we don't embed, and since the Lord intended us to read Unfogged by refreshing like crack-addicted monkeys, that's important.
Crap, no one will fight with me about Rosie. Where's B when you need her?
I hate Donald Trump even more than I hate Iowans and am indifferent to Rosie O'Donnel.
Carry on.
I think it's kinda funny that you have an opinion about Rosie, Labs.
They stick like leeches to their Presidential-candidate- selecting privilege.
19 -- she envies them their equanimity.
Doesn't everyone, Ogged? Apparently not. Hm. My bad. Ok, back in the closet.
I didn't know about the Clay Aiken thing, for example, and I actually follow celebrity news. Ergo, you're a big dyke.
Speaking of, isn't Gaiken getting just plain creepy to look at? He's like a grotesque of the Boy Next Door.
He looks like he's had plastic surgery, but I haven't heard anything about it.
The Chinese thing was juvenile, stupid, and especially not funny, but was it really that horrible, FL? I don't think there would have been an uproar if she'd done a bad imitation of French or German.
Todd, the history of racism against Chinese in America is qualitatively different from that of racism against the French, the Germans, or almost any white European group.
Todd, what bothered me was its close proximity to her really quick (and weird) accusation of homophobia. If you're going to have a hair trigger about isms, you can't go all ching-chong on Chinese people.
I see. I thought the Chinese thing was just something that happened after they had drunken ranting Danny Devito on the show, and Rosie was talking about how it sparked a worldwide reaction.
and she made a bad joke about it, he added.
...and since the Lord intended us to read Unfogged by refreshing like crack-addicted monkeys, that's important.
That is one of the most apt descriptions of the commentary here that I've seen, I think. I will now resume my obsessive lurking-in-awe.
Donald Trump both looks and sounds like my old boss.
I read this as "lurker-in-law".
17: Trying to set up an international fucking phone call to save my marriage. Sorry, the Rosie thing will have to wait.
But since my dipshit Arab friend appears to have WANDERED OFF just as I got PK settled and made myself available for the phone, I'll allow as I don't care if you hate Rosie. She seems kinda irritating. I want to like her on the grounds that irritating dykes should be good news, but she's irritating in an especially undykelike way, imho.
Although I'm really tempted to love her simply in order to spite Donald Trump.
Rosie is also famously hypocritical on gun control, arguing for strict laws for the common folk, but hiring armed guards to protect her own kid on his way to kindergarten. So if you're not pulling down enough cash to hire your own band of goons, you're SOL for personal protection as far as Rosie is concerned.
I think they'd be a perfect pairing for celebrity deathmatch.
There are times when having a band of goons would be totally sweet.
There are times when having a band of goons would be totally sweet.
Undoubtedly, but who can afford one? Goon prices are at an all-time high in today's skills-based economy.