Damn, that rules. Not really mariachi. More like Scottish rap en espaƱol
I'm trying to figure out whether you discovered this by searching for kayaking or bagpipes.
Someone told me about this; I had nuthin' to do with it.
I may have just accidentally left about 10 copies f the same comment asking for the name of the artist there (stupid YouTube email confirmation not going through). But I agree, that was totally awesome.
Lyrics. Looks like it's an Argentine (or Uruguyan) rap group named Arbol ("Tree"). The refrain is:
"I'm going now
I'm going now
I'm going to the beach now."
no prob. FWIW, the Argentine accent is about as impenetrable as a Scottish brogue - the only reason I got this was from the refrain.
They're on Rhapsody! (But this song isn't.)
Aargh, here we go with the multimedia ignorance again... How does one listen to .RAR files?
Oh -- apparently .RAR is a compression format. How does one decompress .RAR files?
...If you use Google to search for "unrar" you will find several freeware utilities -- I am betting any of them will do the job.