OK, this is a blatant bleg, but does anyone have any idea where the 'make' command went in Mac OS X 10.4? It's just not there. And searching for the word 'make' on the internet: well that's just not good.
No idea. Also off topic: where's washerdreyer been? And where the hell is Tripp?
Is this the off topic thread? If so, I'd just like to note that organizing a conference is a lot of work.
I saw w/d at a meet-up about month ago. I got the sense that he was really busy.
OK, it was an optional install. You can all stop worrying about it now.
washerdreyer has commented in the last few days. just not as often. guessing busy.
Any other theories? I'd considered 4 and 10 but neither made much sense.
Was the misdirected X to Y joke invented on this site? I don't think I've seen it anywhere else, and it cracks me up all the time. Did apo do it first, or is he just its most enthusiastic practitioner?
but neither made much sense.
10 did not make much sense? LizardBreath is not old and worn out like us, IDP, 10 make sense (although I am sure it was meant in a chaste and ladylike way).
16: Women don't have sexual desire for random good-looking men, silly. Or random good-looking women, for that matter.
OK, so it is to 10, and the soldier/cheesecake calender from a few months ago, yada, yada.
Too bad we don't believe in authorial intent, or we could just ask LB.
Nope, my husband has it because he's at work. Nag him.
Or 6 to 2, as Mark Schmitt says.
Nah, I'm not worn out in that way, and I'll bet you're not either. I haven't much use for anonymous images, but as the great 149—should certain comment numbers be retired in honor?—recognizes, I don't need them, because I see attractiveness, sexiness wherever I look.
should certain comment numbers be retired in honor
This is a fantastic idea.
19: Or so the mullahs would have you believe.
Did apo do it first
I don't remember where it started, or even if I can claim credit. I'd look in my back pocket, but I'm not wearing any pants.
Oh, go ahead and check, Apo. You've had your head up your ass before.
Still commenting, just less frequently. We lost Tripp long ago, I've never known why.
He stopped commenting at my site too, but I don't think it was due to any falling out.
Sorry, I meant to be crass but not confusingly so.
He's still on the internets, the bastard.
It was the obvious meaning, I just wondered if there were a more obscure reference. And maybe we should all be more crass more often.
He's still on the internets, the bastard.
Oh man. Commenting on W. Monthly over this place? WTF.
I can see someone with limited time not wanting to comment here at all for fear of being drawn back in.
And maybe we should all be more crass more often.
(and thanks for 18, Ideal. I am, of course, chaste and ladylike at all times.)
I am voting for Edwards because of this, and that is final.
See it is easy to comment here, and not be drawn in. All one needs do is stay on topic.
I am, of course, chaste and ladylike at all times.
The stork brought Sally and Newt.
41: No, LB is just very fond of England.
37: Holy shit, that's true. Since I started trying to even half-keep-up, I find that I lose only slightly more time on the Internets than I did before, but I hate myself for it slightly less.
41, 42: It is possible that the definition of ladylike chastity I work with is broader than some others might be.
Perhaps it's far too late to try an on-topic comment at this point, but what the hell:
The thing I don't understand about this Fox news/Democratic debate business is why people keep saying shit like, "well, Democrats need to appeal to Fox viewers too," etc. Fer president, maybe, but given that it's a PRIMARY, why the hell do we need to have a debate that's for democratic voters, on a channel that's for republican viewers? Am I gonna watch the Republican primaries? Hells no.
Generally I agree with you -- as a media outlet they're dishonest scum who we shouldn't be giving any credibility to -- but maybe the idea is to appeal to people who have bought into the idea that Fox is "fair and balanced" but are nonetheless possible Democrat pickups?
Apparently the NYT is also happy to run with somebody's opposition research dump.
Yeah, doubleyouteeeff? The Times is giving him a hard time about losing money on stocks held in a blind trust? What is wrong with them???
47/48:Actually, I thought it made him look very good.
There must be a Venn diagram available to illustrate the groups:
A. People who habitually watch Fox
B. People willing to sit through a Democratic primary debate if it came on
C. People willing to change the channel to watch a Democratic primary debate
D. People who are actually interested in voting Democratic.
E. People who would watch a Democratic primary debate simply to mock it.
I'm guessing that the intersection of A, B, and D is very small. And that's the demographic that would be lost by refusing to participate in Fox's debate.
49: That's because you pay attention and have an above room temperature IQ. You're not the target audience.
11 to 46?
people who have bought into the idea that Fox is "fair and balanced" but are nonetheless possible Democrat pickups?
Do you think there really are such people?
You know what someone needs to do? Send Frank Miller to Iraq to produce a graphic novel of this war. Wouldn't that be awesome in a manly sort of way?
Good for Edwards. I cannot imagine why anyone who isn't directly connected to the Republican Machine wants anything to do with FOX News. Lately, they seem to have become even more hysterical than usual. Hell, Imus or Stern is a better place than FOX for a candidate who wants to appeal to right-leaning voters who might still listen to a Democrat.
(OT--having been given a bottle of Bombay Sapphire Gin, I should really try to not drink it all in one evening.)
And then in the following evening, you can try to drink it all.
Anyway, at this rate, I'll never make it last until the summer, which is when I like gin best of all.
But is it important that the gin you drink in the summer come from this particular bottle? Surely other bottles containing very similar spirits are available.
"breakfast" s/b "sunrise"
There's a great Chesterton poem about gin, which goes something like "Gin on the ceiling, gin on the walls; gin on the something something something." But Google doesn't turn it up and I don't have a copy of the Oxford Book of Light Verse that I think it's in.
#57. True. But I usually don't buy bottles of expensive gin. I'm cheap that way.
It's way cheaper than IVF treatment, Paul. Priorities!
¿Qué? But I don't want to play with Delta children.
By the way, here's how Fox handled the last Democratic debate they ran, in case anybody still thinks agreeing to let them host a Democratic debate is anything other than a terrible idea.