Ogged brings out in the best in people. We're all just Ogged's FYOGs. Without him we would be nothing.
In an ideal world, seventy-something guy would be married to hook up with co-author a blog with Opinionated Grandma.
Between that nubile juvenile and that seventy-something, anything other news from the pool?
The bottom of it smells like roses.
Something I've been wondering -- was the desirable lifeguard the same one who looked like Yoda?
The more I hear about ogged's pool, the more I think it has sitcom potential. Think Cheers, but just change "neighborhood bar" to "swimming pool."
Best of all, if it were on a cable channel, it could feature locker room nudity. Hooray!
If the seventy year-old is that stiff, how does he get into his swimming suit?
He tumbles into his swimming suit, because he's too stiff to lower himself into it.
how does he get into his swimming suit?
It takes him a while. They have benches, so he sits down and gets it done.
Fun old guys are just the best.
I friend of mine befriended an old guy in a gym and helped him out with this and that. It turned out that the guy was well off and estranged from his family, and he left my friend a substantial amount of money.
Yup, 13 is the setup. Now watch ogged start "helping the old guy into his swimsuit", banking on a payout, and two hundred handjobs later he croaks and leaves him nothing but memories. O'Henry couldna written it better.
nothing but memories.
And a nagging RSI.
Down here in Florida, we have 70 somethings, 80 somethings, and 90 somethings. Some of them rattle their teacups, their hands too shaky. Some can't even see their teacups; they are too blind. And some talk about a missing spleen, missing lung, missing kidney, this-or-that. At least, they can all agree about one thing: "Thank God we still have our Florida drivers license."
"Thank God we still have our Florida drivers license."
They won't give my mother's 91 YO studmuffin a Florida license. That lack doesn't stop him near as well as solid objects do.
Oh, man, my evil grandmother got arrested a bunch of times before she died -- they took her license away, and she kept on driving anyway, and gave the judge what for when they brought her in for driving without a license. If she hadn't gotten sick and died at ninety three or so they probably would have had to jail her, at which point the Georgia corrections officers were in for a series of nasty surprises. Grandma had a lot of mean, and a lot of crafty.
The Yukon authorities never managed to take away my grandad's license. He drove an enormous black truck without power steering or power brakes, and the thought of him on the road towards the end terrified every single one of us.
Fortunately, all you can hit in Whitehorse is the wildlife. And the liquor store.
When I was at the retirement home visiting my grandfather a couple of weeks ago, he introduced me to a 102 year old man who just got his license renewed for 5 years.
Well, I know a 104 year old man who just got his license renewed for 10 years!
I know a ten year old who just got a driver's license good for 104 years!
I hope that they never take mine away. I'll be glad to stop driving, on my own, when I'm no longer able to drive safely, but I want to hang on to the license all the same.
There is an 86 yr old lady that swims virtually every day and a 95 yr old man who is there every day swimming at 545 am. Very impressive.
25: I just don't want anyone taking it away from me. I want the control.
I will need some form of ID. Whole Foods in Massachusetts does card everyone--even the 90 year-olds.
he lives by himself. Swims everyday. Drives (?!?!???!?!) Spends 20 mins in the steam room.
I hope I am that active at 80.
You can't have unknown, unidentified people buying the organic rutabagas and bok choi.
I hope I am that active at 80.
I'd like to have been that active ever.
ogged, the hobbling old guy; does he move easily in the water?
No, it looks kind of pained. He moves faster than you'd expect, because he's a former competitive swimmer, but one of the saddest things I've ever heard was when he and I were both resting at the wall and he muttered to himself "so freakin' slow!"
I really love 70-something guy.
25: So the first guy I dated was 10 years older than me, and he was gracefully balding. We're on our way to a BYOB party, so we stop at a liquor store to pick up some beer. We take it up to the counter, and F. says smirkily to the entirely stereotypical middle eastern cashier, "I'll give you ten bucks if you card me." SMEC, without missing a beat, replies "why, you want the senior citizen discount?"
There's a 70-something guy who's often at the ice rink when I take Keegan to skate. He's obviously got a speedskating background, since he's got the long-ass skates, the bodysuit, and perfect one-arm-behind-the-back form. He looks like he's barely exerting himself at all, but he's flat-out hauling ass around the rink, weaving through all the kids, and is out there for hours at a time.