It's like we lack ambition, even by online community standards.
This is a surprise?
Having given this some thought, I'm going to make an initial recommendation of Labs, Emerson, and Jackmormon. I haven't met all the commenters, but I think that would be a good group.
Ogged doesn't even know how to use a casting couch.
Standpipe could participate, but would have to wear one of those paper supermarket bags with the eye holes. And have one of those 20/20 exclusive expose voice shifter things.
Ogged doesn't even know how to use a casting couch.
Perhaps it's an ottoman.
I'm not sure Persians like Ottomans.
Rotating cast. Start with Labs, Emerson, and JM; next week it's Emerson, JM, and B, then JM, B, and gswift...
...occasional clips of ogged swimming like a dolphin. I don't see what's not to love.
What does ATM stand for? I had it down to either "Ass-to-mouth" or "at the moment" but neither seem to fit most usages around here.
Speaking of Ogged swimming like a dolphin, there's some clips from the Gay or Straight 60 minutes episode on Yahoo.
I swear to christ the "Nature or Nurture" twins are coached or something. It's too over the top.
I had it down to either "Ass-to-mouth"
At. The. Mineshaft.
"Unfogged Casting Couch Teens, Vol. 3: Ogged and Rocco Siffredi Take on Prague"
13: Ohmymotherfuckinggod
Ack! Argh!
I'd like to note that I just turned in my last final project and am therefore now done with school forever.
16: Ditto. Also blecklefarglesnot. Glaaaach. Daayum.
I clearly failed the Offspring, as he had no pastel mosquito netting as a child. Or Barbies. But he was strong, and overcame all those Transformers and manly teddy bears and Ninja Turtles and still turned out gay.
17: Condolences Congratulations. Just remember to put your fingers in your ears when the hallowed halls of academe start their siren song and try to lure you back for another degree...
It's like we lack ambition...
I suspect that it's just that we understand the the rest of the world is not ready for the sage advice of the Unfoggedariat. Especially about shaving balls. Or, for those of you terrified of razors, Nair-ing balls.
I will confess that I have shaved a man's balls, but it was in the context of my job. Men are sure edgy when one comes at them with a safety razor...
Proper old school safety razors, with the interchangeable double-edged blades are bloody sharp. I'd be pretty damn nervous too!
Last time I had my balls shaved (for an operation, and the rest of me, since I make -gg-d look like a total alopecian by contrast), the guy used an open cutthroat number. Open my eyes were not.
When I had my pre-op appointment about a vasectomy, the doc warned me to shave 'em. Otherwise, he said, I'll do it and I won't use shaving cream.
Another survivor told me about having this done by an angry male nigerian nurse, and it sounded about like those videos of tasering linked not long ago.
23: Back in the olden days, we didn't have disposable razors. Those two-edged whatsits were, indeed, what I used. Carefully.
The floor nurse picked me to do the honours because I was "from that college up on the hill, so you're probably not a virgin". [Whilst she was right, that didn't mean I was in the habit of depilating the genitalia of strange men.] Thus was preserved the innocence of my Catholic nursing students co-workers.
DE, a friend of mine not long out of HS was shaved by a girl he knew from school. In training to be a nurse, I think. When he started to get an erection she picked up a spoon she ad brought and smartly knocked it down.
He was also a big liar, however.
23: Quite a few people still use the old safety razors.
22: We've already had a thread about it, naturally. Keep your junk neat, fellas.
re: 28
I do. For shaving face. Which is why I was saying I'd be nervous about having one near my balls.
I have a friend who owns a Brazilian hair removal place. She keeps trying to convince me that women love men who have had a Brazilian wax. I'm convinced that she is trying to punk me.
30: I do as well, and would have similar reservations.
I suspect I'm being cast as the straight woman.
You wussies. I get good and drunk and shave mine with a straight razor. In the dark.
Keep your junk neat, fellas.
Clean, yes. Shaved, no. Keep the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers in their natural state.
[adding MAE to the list of guys I probably won't blow]
how to use a casting couch
That's for lazy fishermen, right?
re: 34
It's only the expense that's stopped me from buying a straight razor. And 'cheap' isn't a word I'd feel confident about when attached to a blade I am about to use on my face.
[He's making a list, checking it twice . . .]
JM, I think that you'll be the Mormon feminist straightwoman with 20 husbands.
If the people are clamoring for a Mormon feminist straightwoman with 20 husbands, I suppose it would be selfish of me to deny them.
Seriously people, a good electric shaver will do the job just fine for any purpose other than preparation for surgery. Jeez.
12: To explain further, The Mineshaft is a sort of Platonic ideal of the scuzzy gay bar and things that are ATM happen in said venue.
Oh my God. I couldn't get past the first ninety seconds of that horrible 60 Minutes clip. Jesus Christ.
6, 8, 9: The correct expression in this circumstance is "casting rug."
a good electric shaver will do the job just fine
This has not been my experience. Clippers end up clipping loose skin. But perhaps your scrotum is made of stronger stuff than mine.
Electric shaver ≠ clippers.
But mainly I wanted to say "≠."
Hah! If y'all had any balls, you'd pluck your scrota, hair by hair. I hear that an Epilady tests your manhood.
you'd pluck your scrota
I'm a busy man, DE.
Back to the topic of the post, I think that Ben and I would make an adorable vidblogging duo.
I vote for wrongshore. He/she makes me laugh.
48: I've got a straight razor you can borrow.
People, James B. Shearer is funnier than the linked video.
I'd like to see a troupe of college drama students act out one of our threads.
you'd pluck your scrota
It's important to have plucky scrota.
Congrats, Teo!
And once you're shaved, consider making the most of the situation (NSFW -- and apologies if apo has already posted this. Brief googling doesn't turn anything up...).
Be sure to scroll down to the dragons.
People, James B. Shearer is funnier than the linked video.
Ok, this is funny, but the video isn't so bad! You have to take it in the spirit in which it's intended.
I can't believe this promising topic has been sidetracked for a discussion we've already had. Ball-obsessed, the lot of you.
I'd like to see a troupe of college drama students kindergarten class act out one of our threads.
58: I think this probably happens spontaneously with reasonable frequency.
Ball-shaving video-blogging is the obvious solution here. I hear some people will pay for that sort of thing.
I'll shave w-lfs-n's balls on a webcam for $250.
Do you know that your balls will fall off painlessly if you use a rubber band? No actual surgery is required.
What was Chopper clutching in that photo, then?
Ok, this is funny, but the video isn't so bad!
They're cute, the one on the right is wearing little or no makeup, and you just happened to link to them.
Well done.
64: Well, he's called "Chopper" not "Clutcher," so...
His lovely parting gifts, in other words.
65: I thought ogged was joking about it being "kinda funny".
You have to take it in the spirit in which it's intended.
But I am--the spirit in which it's intended is "trying to be funny", and they failed. If you're going to put your vid up on a website called "" and give yourself a themesong with a fart in it, you gotta follow through.
I've been lurking here for over a year, and you could put any two regular posters together and have them perform selections from almost any thread and get a funnier video. (Even JBS, but then I always picture him as Sam the Eagle.)
The video labeled "poop" had its moments, but mostly because the second question, having nothing to do with poop, let them bring out their personalities a bit.
Look, act, you fucker, the chick on the right is just really cute, ok?
Holy w-lfs-n's balls on a webcam, Batman!
27: Your friend wouldn't have the initials "EF" would he? That sounds suspiciously like a story told by an old friend of mine...
Hey, thanks for the vote, Will. Now I'm gonna be all self-conscious. And male.
Best coupling would be me and w-lfs-n. We all know he fancies me (for my, ahem, masculine heft), and all but him know it's not reciprocated. Zoroaster (that was for you, swimboy) knows what zaniness would ensue.