He used a curse word associated with chickens
I thought "cockgobbler" was more a term of the younger generation.
Those cursing chickens are the scourge of Arkansas.
I don't hold cursing out Cornyn against anyone, actually.
I was seriously trying to figure out why "chickenshit" was such a bad word.
CluckU makes some damn fine chicken wings. And some spectacularly spicy sauces.
7 -- really? I have never gone into one of their restaurants purely because of the vulgarity of the name. Have I been missing out?
Cornyn is the veriest of party hacks, the guy who took Phil Gramm's seat. I could see McCain's objections being accurate.
1: I believe that if that had been the word, the newspaper would have euphemized "a curse word associated with chickens and turkeys."
But it would have been more precise to say "a curse word associated with roosters," right? I'm *still* not sure I know precisely what word - or compound word - the author was going for here.
The secret is that the reporter has an unusual set of associations. The word is "fuck", which the writer associates with chickens because he is a zoophile.
I also was thinking "chickenshit".
No, it was "chicken-sexer," since McCain was decrying Cornyn's ability to make reliable judgments while being unable to articulate the grounding for those judgments.
It would have been quite effective if McCain had stood up and yelled, "Stuffing, sir! Cranberry sauce, you bounder! I pour gravy upon you!"
I'm imagining each of the Republican presidential candidates doing a uniquely flawed chicken imitation, a la Arrested Development.
koke-ah! koke-ah! Gob Bluth is my President.
"Parachute in" might not have been the most tactful choice of words, too.
Damn, just thought of a better one.
McCain (muttering): "chicken ficken Sie"
McCain: "I said chicken fricassee!"