I might have to wash my hair that weekend.
Is this the Fargo meetup or some other one?
I'm a faithful lurker in SF who would enjoy meeting you all, but am leaving town for a month just then. I'll look forward to reading all about it when I return.
Getting those pesky eels out is not easy job, and "The Tin Drum" has shown us.
OT: the Iraq War Appropriation has thrown a lot of the Kos and Firedoglake people into the kind of rage I've been in more or less continuously all my adult life. It's like watching kids have sex for the first time. Now they know what it's all about.
No. I will be out of town that weekend.
How about sometime later in June? I'll have moved by then.
That weekend works well, the next one not at all, thereafter also probably works well.
Right, so to clarify: the 14-17 June I'm knocked out of commission, but thereafter (and the one weekend before) I could probably meet up. And weekday evenings might work fairly well, too.
The weekend of the 22nd. I have spoken.
Not the end of June, fuckers, I'll have house guests. First week of July?
June 2nd, 16th, 23rd are fully booked for us. (2 weddings, 1 graduation -- damn everyone and their major life events!) Sundays in June or anything in July is wide open, though.
Ben says it's never going to happen, and 12 and 13 are why. I feel compelled to point out that I don't live in the bay area, so maybe you guys shouldn't plan around me. OTOH, I'm a lot cuter and more extroverted than Ben.
You see, under anarchism all decisions would be made by consensus, like this one. See how wonderful that would be?
4 It's like watching kids have sex for the first time
You watch kids have sex?
B., you're in the bay area?! Why did I think you were in southern California. . . .
I realize w-lfs-n has spoken, but I also just realized that June 21 is a family member's birthday, and the logical day for a party is June 23. Just FYI.
In other news my housemate is throwing a birthday dance party for herself tonight. She has quite the mob of friends, and I find them overwhelming in groups of more than 5. I like to dance and I like parties, but the prospect of having 7 hours of 80s rap and 50 of these people I don't really know in my house is starting to fill me with mild panic. It does not help that almost all *my* friends left town for the weekend, so can we have this meetup like RIGHT NOW, so I can pad out the crowd with my imaginary internet friends? Please?
12 Bring your house guests. Are they hawt?
18: b will drive hundreds of miles for an unfogged meetup. She actually lives in Mexico City.
18 Head to your neighborhood dive bar and drink heavily until the panic goes away.
Ile, that kind of situation is what automatic weapons are for. With an AK-47 you would need to fear no one.
I could make it to a bay area meetup if it's scheduled for two years ago. Or possibly last winter; I'll have to check my calendar.
18: June 9th is the logical weekend for *my* birthday celebration, and I was willing to arrange my schedule for an Unfogged meetup. If you let a mere family member get in the way of coming, you lack sufficient dedication.
19: Of course they're hot. One of them is bringing her son, who's PK's age, so with luck I can bring PK and KJ, and there'll even be some hotness there for Emerson.
I leave for Denmark June 11th. I'll be back in town June 29th but leave again July 4th or 5th. I won't be back again until mid-august.
How about July 7th or 14th, both Saturdays. If you guys are interested, my sister showed me an amazing bonfire pit in the Emeryville Marina. There are benches around it and places to grill and it is really pretty, with a view of the East Bay on one side and SF on the other. We'd have to bring wood and food, but it would be great.
M-fun is in the house!
I'll do any weekend, because I'm an Unfogged *groupie* and have no life. Also, I want to give B a chance to insult me to my face.
24: I could've made it last Wednesday or Thursday, possibly. I'll check my calender too.
28: But who would we throw on the pyre?
28: In summer? You've been in Sacramento too long.
I vote for June 30 or July 7 at a bar that has a patio but also somewhere warm we can flee to when the fog rolls in, such as Jupiter or Triple Rock (both of which are also very close to BART).
28, 32: That's what the fire pit's for.
July 14 for me.
I there a philosopher in the house? We need an alternative universe with no schedule conflicts before the end of the summer.
Perhaps a signup/signoff sheet should be posted.
Or a disseminated meetup, where, at a fixed time everyone goes to a bar, gets wasted, talks to himself or herself, and perhaps masturbates if romantically inclined.
36: But how would that be different from any other day?
Oh, yeah: The fixed time.
You've already missed one B.A. meetup, w-lfs-n. Why should we trust you again?
36 You forgot cry, cry, cry.
one B.A. meetup
w-lfs-n is holding out for the Ph.D. meetup.
that'll be an average of 8 1/2 years from now.
Maybe we can schedule an ABD meetup in the mean time.
OK, I have it. This Friday, 6 p.m., everyone pretend you're in Fargo at the Steak Palace. Pretend you're having a nice steak with a beer or a mixed drink. Pretend you've already got your PhD. Pretend you're talking to you favorite Unfoggedatarian. Send back reports on the food ("Amazingly good steak and fries" will do it). Send mack malicious gossip about the people you were with. Talk about Fargo being a surprisingly nice town, full of safety, cleanliness, churches, flatness, and reserve.
Heebie will get loaded on gin and tonic and spend the whole time talking to the fish in the aquarium. Ogged will fall in love with the blonde waitress with the nice ass. B. will explain her views on pornography and open marriage to a Lutheran minister. McManus will pick a fight with a Hell's Angel. w-lfs-n will get tired of Neil Diamond and Bob Seger.
I can't make it myself, but it will be tremendous fun for the rest of you.
As a lurker, I am, perhaps expectedly, generally around in June and July...
Ogged, I think you just need to pick a date and place and tell people to show up.
Yeah, that's what I'll do eventually, but I do want to get a sense of when people will be around.
I will be back in SF for Pride (duh) on the weekend of the 23rd, which is to say coming up on the 22nd and leaving the following Monday. Availability, however, is sketchy - so I vote an early afternoon beer-a-thon at Zeitgeist on Saturday the 23rd before I am forced to join the sapphic hordes at Dolores Park, who will complain to me about having to 'cop a squat' because none of the capitalist pig cafe owners will let them use their bathrooms. (Personally, I have a well-thought-out map of friends' houses I can visit for such purposes. This is not my first time to the rodeo, after all.)
Barring all that, I vote for a SoCal meet-up now that I'm once again 'permanently' down here with GF.
forced to join the sapphic hordes
Please don't throw you in that briar patch?
Ooh, Pride weekend would be fun. Especially since stupid Ventura apparently has some kind of anti-gay people ordinance, where you're not allowed to keep them within city limits or something.
On Pride weekend it may be hard to find any place not jam-packed.
I like the indoor-outdoor idea, though.
Especially since stupid Ventura apparently has some kind of anti-gay people ordinance, where you're not allowed to keep them within city limits or something.
It's actually just an anti-ferret ordinance.
As an occasional commenter here, I'd be interested in joining in if the timing works out.
Most June weekends work for me except for the evening of the 16th. July dates that work: 1st, 7th, 21st, 22nd.
Oh, and for the record, I am not the Dave W. who has been commenting lately over on Unqualified Offerings. I thought I should clear that up, since there seems to be some overlap in the readership between there and here.
is anything going forward with this? i'm still trying to figure out a way to get out to see my brother in california and would like to hit a meet up, if there is one.
Lemme scan the thread, pick a date, and put up a post.