Better Ogged Than Labs.
Been Old Too Long.
Brothers On The Lam.
Birds of the leather flog together.
Uh, my comment box is maximizing.
Put some ice on it, and take a couple of asprin.
Yes, of course, "Boys …". Thanks, ogged. Let's date.
As a matter of fact I did notice something very odd in the archived comments yesterday.
The archives are full of comments about how gay certain people are. Is that a glitch? Some script gone wrong?
No, seriously, I click on the comments link, my window pops up, and then gets huge.
I find many of heebie's comments to be odd. Do you want me to enumerate them, or is that what you needed to know?
13: This is not happening to me.
No, seriously, I click on the comments link, my window pops up, and then gets huge.
Bridgeplate's Only Thirteen, Ladies.
This is not happening to me.
It's okay to admit it. This is a safe space.
Studies show that Standpipe's comment box suddenly has more sex partners.
The archives contain someone commenting under the name ogged who complains that his relationship means he won't be able to speed date. Decidedly odd.
Bite Of The Licorice
Barrier: Orfice, The Last
Further studes show that I had two comment windows open, of which one had been inadvertently embiggened. When I clicked the comment link, they both popped up, one after the other, giving the appearance of a single window hugeifying.
"Bridgeplate's Only Thirteen, Ladies."
And he clicks the comments links 20 times a day.
A noble spirit embiggens the smallest window.
I am too sleep-deprived to handle the word "embiggened" today. It's got me giggling fairly unprofessionally.
28: Is there a way to giggle professionally?
Law-types of my acquaintance use "BOLO."
Butt Orgasm's Telltale Leakage
Like you weren't thinking "Butt Orgasms". Whatever.
"Butt Orgasms," Thought Landers
Britches Over Tasteful Lace
That's a lie, actually.
Bait Our Tim, Labs!
Be off, thou lecher
Oh, thy lust's blight
Thy last blog oeuvre
Let be opined trite..