Don't worry, Ogged. This thread is going to get hundreds of comments after everyone takes my advice and watches the show over the weekend and wants to come back and talk about how awesome it is. I can wait.
I'm afraid the Flophouse boob toob is spoken for on Saturday. Saturday is Game Day, Becks. I've been waiting for this for a long, long time.
It's odd to consider someone over 40 actually being from a city in Arizona. I think of it as a place that was unpopulated until people started moving there around that time.
C's enjoying this. I'm not getting into it. I've watched too much Curb Your Enthusiasm I think, and whenever I see Ted Danson on screen I expect him to be himself now.
8: That's more or less true of Phoenix, but Flagstaff's nothing like Phoenix.
I tried to pick up Damages in an airport bar but it didn't take.
OT: I'm about 80% done with & the Deathly Hallows and wish really hard that I'd given this series a chance before. I have criticisms, yes, but more love than criticism.
Way to completely derail the thread, RMcMP.
I just wanted to clear out the thread so we could have it all to ourselves.
I intend to ruthlessly excoriate H/arry P/otter talk.
I like how ttaM has googleproofed the name of the title character, presumably to prevent Harry himself from browsing over to Unfogged and getting his feelings hurt.
Anything to avoid mentioning his name in full.
The 'not mentioning his name in full' thing being a form of primitive magic in which the fear is that uttering his name in full will cause a huge P*tter discussion to fire up, again.
The primitive magic is that any Harry Potter discussion transmutes, by evil alchemy, into a discussion of fantasy more generally. Much as any attempt to discuss Veronica Mars became a thread about Buffy. Dark forces are afoot.