But -- my height/weight box has a lady in it!
Sifu (aka Industrial Size Ed, aka Porn King): The other night you were talking about artisanal rums, but on your website you list your favourite alcoholic drink as "Absolut Mandarin and Mountain Dew."
Well, sure, I mean, that's my favorite, but I like lots of them!
That's the very best, that is, but mint juleps with small batch bourbon and rusty nails with single malt and double IPAs and artisanal rum are okay too, sometimes. If I'm desperate.
Of course I first looked at my combination, then at the extremes. 6'4" 115 lb is scary.
Being 5'9" and 200+ pounds didn't stop me from getting teh marriedz a week or so ago. Add in my wife and we average out to two normal-sized people.
8: Wow. Congratulations. (Or maybe "L'chiam"?) Those are really nice pictures.
I can't believe there aren't more photos at the 5'5 140 or 130 spots; i don't have a scale, but i think i'm somewhere in there, and i imagine those sizes as being way more teh average than is indicated by single shots.
Oh, your wife is pretty! And I hadn't realized I had a belief as to what you looked like, but not that. I think I may have had cartoon biker-gang images going on. Instead, you look very solid-citizen, in an attractive kind of way.
Thanks! I agree the photographer was pretty good, with some unconventional lighting tricks up his sleeve. Here's his website.
GB looks not unlike I would have imagined him, but his wife is much prettier than I expected.
(12: I thought the very same thing. Somehow, I assumed he would look like someone who belonged in Neuromancer or some other such.)
Oh, your wife is pretty!
I know, it's surprising. But lucky for me, she has really bad eyesight.
By the way, the thanks in #14 goes to all well-wishers, not just Tim.
GB??!?!? We were going to have a virtual Unfogged Wedding party! You didnt remind us. I am not sending your virtually gift now, even despite your wife being so hot.
Congrats, GB!
The Japanese dude in a kipah is freaking me out / cracking me up.
#19: Oops, I forgot! How about a virtual renew-our-vows ceremony later on? Also, we could use a virtual espresso maker and a virtual plasma TV.
12, 15: Neither member of the Gaijin couple is as bad-looking as we assumed they were! This is a great day for the Gaijins!
Wait, she becomes a Gaijin by marrying him?
23: No, silly, she becomes a Biker.
She's a gaijin from China, independent of her connection to me.
In Asia the family name comes first. Mr. and Mrs. Gaijin, Biker and ****.
The mom does look far more Chinese than Japanese to me.
Mrs. Gaijin has a fairly chinese looking nose, to my eye.
Nose hindsight is 20/20, of course.
A drive-by comment from the Republican PBS debate: Alan Keyes is the swishingest candidate I've ever seen.
Tommorrow: 4:45 pm Eastern Standard Time. We all raise a virtual toast to the happy couple.
Tommorrow: 4:45 pm Eastern Standard Time. We all raise a virtual toast to the happy couple.
おめでとう, GB. What a great-looking couple.
ありがとうございます, Jesus.
And I'll be there for the virtual toast, Will, which I believe works out to 5:45am Saturday morning in Japan.
@30: The leader of the great doc review team I mentioned in a post today about my recent experiences was one of the questioners. She got a free flight to Baltimore to ask it, after winning a contest on Joyner.
1. Congrats, GB!
2. This girl thought it would be a good idea to have cigarette curtains.
ok, look at the guy with the brown t-shirt at 5'5" and 165 lb, add 30 years and a bit more potbelly, and that is sorta what my body looks like. supposedly at least 30 lbs overweight. looking at that guy makes me wonder how much of my own weight is hair.
ps:i lack caps because wednesday while creek-climbing with the pups i apparently either very badly strained or broke my left wrist. possibly monday into a cast for a couple months. sympathy may be expressed with an "aw fuck" but much less bob to kick y'all around anymore, unless i develop new hunt-and-peck techniques
Congrats, GB! Many happy years ahead, I'm sure.
1. Congrats, GB!
2. Looking at the pictures I think I look like less than I weigh. Or else I have no idea how I look to others.
36: forget the curtains: who is that hand on her shoulder attached to?!?
40: She lives with Thing, and not just for the handjobs. It's romance.
39 - I'm in that boat. I think it's cause it's all in the package.
40: An extra hand sprouting out of your back could add a pound or two. She's maybe not so representative of body type for her height and weight.
37: aw fuck, bob.
Also: Woohoo, GB !
My lack of sympathy, obviously, is an attempt to cheer bob up by giving him an unsympathetic target to one-handedly gripe at.
[Everyone sorta looks likes like somebody on there but not really.]
Check it out, send in a photo, fill in the gaps.
I can't dude! Apparently I've either been cloned or I'm going to come back in time to the present at some point in the future.
Why, exactly, I would choose to wear a dress is a mystery to me.
['Maybe there was a bet involved.']
aw is awk when it is at home?
The man pages don't have a clue about the other commands either. Awk sed grep. Aw fuck bob.
[Completely overlooked on first pass]
i lack caps because wednesday while creek-climbing with the pups i apparently either very badly strained or broke my left wrist.
Ice it if you haven't, dude. I dropped the spare tire carrier on my truck (which was holding up the 75 pound tire) right off my wrist... and of course it bounced and hit it again. This only hurt a little. For about 3 hours. While I (stupidly kept using it). Then, ah...OWFUCKOWFUCK.
Ice helped to a shocking degree. So did the el cheapo wrist brace from Walmart.
['Yours may be worse than mine.']
But -- my height/weight box has a lady in it!
Wanna know something scary, mrh? You could be my twin (or at least my brother), if only you'd gain 30-40 lbs. and lose a bunch of your hair. I should post my photo on that site just as a cautionary tale for you.
That depends on how much self-discipline mrh has.
57: I'm sure he only comments here when it maximizes his utility, so no worries there.
Congratulations GB
fuck, bob
and Hi Gary.
Congratulations GB
Aw fuck, Bob
54 et al:sound of one hand clapping in thanks
RICE-ing it, rest, ice, compression, elevation. pain ain't bad at all, but i am legendary for my pain threshold, whatever that means. but i have now a right hand, and a left flipper..the swelling is fucking awesome. expense and freaking hassle is what bugs me
congrats gaijin and condolences teo
This one corresponds to my height and weight, but realistically speaking my center of gravity is a little lower than that guy's.
62: Hey, thanks for giving us a heads up -- I would have worried if you stopped commenting without an explanation.
You could be my twin (or at least my brother), if only you'd gain 30-40 lbs. and lose a bunch of your hair.
I could? Really? Well, I always say it's important to have goals.
Right now I'm this person but it's doesn't look much like me.
Sifu: my utility is always maximized, IYKWIM.
1. Get well soon bob.
2. Congratulations Gaijin Biker. Thus far you are probably the 'fogger who looks least like my mental picture.
3. There's no one at my height and weight in that scheme, but it was very interesting to see the different body types represented on the rightward end of the spectrum. The fellow at 5' 8", 350# has almost exactly the same shape, minus a few pounds, as my friend ("the other fat guy" in many of our shared social contexts), and I think if I quit my awful job and lost some of the accumulated depression/anxiety-produced weight, I wouldn't be too far off from the 5' 11", 287# guy, although I bet if he ballooned up to my weight, he'd carry the extra pounds much differently than I do.
This job is really starting to suck much worse than I ever imagined it could -- I'm on day 12 of 19 days straight at work today. Yuck.
Congratulations, GB. You may have just taken the title of "most seriously overchicked guy here" away from NCProsecutor.
Bob: Aw fuck.
GB: Congrats. But I have to say: 200 lbs? NFW. Is a Japanese pound only 12 ounces or something?
Apo: Overchicked is my middle name. And as the word implies, it's not just about the gal, but about the disparity between guy and gal. Which, being the case, keeps me in contention even as the years go by.
So I go to the appropriate place on the grid, and there's a guy of my height and weight, and of course I think immediately "that dude needs to put on some more pounds!"
And, reading back: congratulations to GB and "aw fuck" to bob.
69: But he does have your fashion esthetic down.
This job is really starting to suck much worse than I ever imagined it could -- I'm on day 12 of 19 days straight at work today. Yuck.
No weekends really does eat your soul -- I've been spending most of mine at work since August, and it's killing me.
So move to Boston and take that job I sent already, LB.
I've got about a year more of soul-sucking before I'd consider moving out of NY. I've lived other places and they're all wrong -- nice places, many of them, but not right.
It always cracks me up that people from New York can have exactly the same opinion towards the rest of the world that people from the deep south have about New York.
Not a dig, mind you. It's sort of endearing.
#66: Congratulations Gaijin Biker. Thus far you are probably the 'fogger who looks least like my mental picture.
It scares me to imagine what y'all thought I looked like.
#68: 200 lbs? NFW. Is a Japanese pound only 12 ounces or something?
I'm big-boned, and wide across the shoulders. Plus, that tuxedo vest really had a slimming effect.
Having attended the ceremony, I can confirm ""most seriously overchicked", and not just in the sense that she's drop-dead gorgeous. GB's a pretty damn sharp guy himself, but she slid gracefully and seamlessly from her native Mandarin to perfect English and then to perfect Japanese in her speech to the guests.
If anyone's interested, I've also put up some pictures of the ceremony and of the awesome biker wedding parade through Tokyo at my blog, complete with indiscretion errors.
I find that being less attractive and intelligent than my wife takes a lot of the pressure off.