On one higher level there was this fog of gnatlike things that wouldn't kill you, but just bump you around, and they were somehow more annoying for their nonlethality, and they said, "ni!" over and over again. I did not get this until I saw MPatHG when I was 22 or some such ripe age.
Or maybe Crystal Crazy's predecessor, Crystal Quest?
Crystal Quest sounds extremely plausible.
Crystal Quest. The only game I ever liked. If the game you remember made a kind of orgasmic moan when you changed levels, that should confirm it.
sez here it's available for Vista (does anyone use that?).
Yes, it made that sort of moan. Sweet.
Now that we've solved this problem, Emerson needs a place to stay.
One thing we have here in Lake Wobegon is space. I could put up 2 couples and 4 singles in real beds and real bedrooms in our $70,000 house, and two more in the living room on a blowup bed and a couch. And one with my sister and one with me, totaling 12.
But my 2005 trip to NYC taught me that people don't have that kind of house out there.
So when is WobegUnfogged going to happen?
I visited Frowner and Minneapolitan just last week. (This was a left-wing factional meeting, however.) The good weather is almost gone n these parts, however, though it's beautiful today.
10 - We slept 20 a couple of weekends ago. Not loads of space, but lots of beds, as all the kids have bunks. A friend suggested I get a couple more bunk beds, put them all in our biggest bedroom and open a hostel for Polish workers.
May take you up on that Lake Wobegon offer one of these years John. Would also love to see you in DC - hope you can make it.
Now that this question has been answered, holy crap is this a weird story.
People have always known the following things about Andy Reid:
- He is a giant fatso
- He is totally humorless and never seeks attention or says anything interesting to the media
- He works really hard and is always at the office, like other NFL head coaches
- He is a Mormon
And now this? Furthermore, I can't fathom the team actually keeping him as the head coach while undergoing such a massive amount of emotional stress from outside sources.
But they've kept him as head coach. And, well, it seems like the team's performance has suffered for it.
Asilon, September and October are the best months. Unfortunately, that's true almost everywhere. Spring is good once the snow and mud clear off. Summer can be too hot. (I guess I'm imposing my values). It's a good area for water birds, boating, fishing, and rustic country stuff (e.g. Amish crafts and Polish sausage festivals). Not good for vegetarians.