From the Wikipedia:
Mr. Neely's describes his own retelling of Harry Potter as "razor-sharp and often very dark,"
He is the creator of a popular music video which hyper-extends the lore of George Washington.
One of his upcoming projects is a comedy novel about the American Civil War.
Cool! I even downloaded all the files for a DIY version of this, but never bothered.
gods, these people are so sex obsessed
i don't like harry potter, official or not, too
sooo boring
post another funny video from Asia then.
This may be up but I was searching for the Washington video the other day and it looks like it's been Cease and Desisted off of the entire internet. Booo.
I am too lazy to rent Harry Potter, but I listened to the audio files while on a nine-hour train and remembered the movie in my imagination. I totally cracked up several times, to the disturbance of the woman across the aisle.
Why ya always gotta pwn me like that?
I swear they were all taken down last week.
Last week is like 1993 in internet time.
Not that I will ever have the patience to actually watch this all the way through, especially since they'll be taken down in the next microsecond or so[1] if the Warner Bros legal department is awake, but neat concept.
[1] helps with that problem though
Oh man, thank you. I had never heard of this guy. Episode 12 is great, especially around 3:40 when he gets on a Mametesque roll and finally collapses in giggles, from the sound of it.
So it turns out that blog readability test was probably all just a scam ...
Chapter 21 is my favorite. A recent drunken evening concluded with myself informing two friends 34 times in a row that whatever my other failures as a human being, at least I'm not a hideous fucker.