By way of immediate hijacking, I'm going to be in Austin (my mostly-hometown) over the holidays. Anyone there up for an antipopeUnfoggeDCon meetup?
Hey people, just a few more details:
Here's the dinner place. It's about a $12 cab ride from Hotel 71 and the hotels hosting the MLA, could be a little more. There are a some bars on Western itself, but there are tons on Division and Chicago within a 1/4 mile to 1/2 mile walk.
It's 9 pm because of the MLA roundtable that ended at 8:30 which a fair number of people wanted to attend, sorry if that's a bit late for dinner
That's what the post says. Excellent veggie options, bars adjacent, and out of downtown without being too far away from the MLA people.
Hm, so it does. Didn't really put things together until I read the URL.
I feel like I dropped the ball on this one. Sorry I suck, PMP. Anyway, I'm coming.
Even though I have to catch a flight to DC at 7 am the next morning.
Speaking of which, I have to catch a flight to LA in six hours and bleh.
Sad I'm going to be out of town - I know I lurk more than I ever post, but would have been fun. Bite is in my neighbourhood, and is a great place. Right next door to the Empty Bottle, which has great shows most weekends. The Goldstar on Division (around Damen) is a great dive bar, but I wouldn't rely to heavily on other places on Western. Have a great time!
Could we have an unfoggeDCon planning thread for us slackers whose speculative lodging plans fell through while they were traveling overseas? Also do any of the Baltimore folks need a ride?
If possible, I would like to meet up with Bay Area Unfoggers during my visit. I'll be there from the evening of the 24th to the morning of the 31st, and Berkeley would be most convenient for me. Anyone?
I'll check in later. Interested parties can also email me.
I could go for another Austin meet. Also, I'm probably going to be in Chicago sometime in January (for a couple weeks, at least) so it'd be cool to meet sometime then as well. Too bad I'll miss this one.
This seems like a good place for a reminder of the Portland meetup December 27 at Higgins (on Broadway downtown; in the bar, not the restaurant). I don't recall that we decided on a time, but 7ish seems likely.
I'm bummed that we're not going to get to destroy PMP's apartment, but are being herded to the Empty Bottle. Presumably if it were possible for a bunch of manic drunks to destroy the Empty Bottle, the Jesus Lizard would already have done it.
Sounds good to me, Jesus. Un-Hamlet should be there too.
No Bay Area takers?
Well, fine then.
I think I'll try to break out of lurking and show up for this. At least I'll know one person there.