They need *something* to look at up there other than all the damn muddy snow.
The second one is surely commissioned by the city, since it spells out "Montreal" down the right side.
But yeah, they're both gorgeous.
Damn. We used to have some good graffiti artists around here, but they've plainly been left behind aesthetically.
A friend is writing a book about Montreal street art. I hope she actually finishes it.
My eye was tricked by the second one.
Wooster Collective is a good site for street art.
Montreal really has some amazing stuff like this.
Invisibility suit! Limited range of use.
Heh. I just put up a post at my site about that.
The artist's website is worth checking out.
#1 is very right.
As for #2, I suspect it was commissioned by the building it's on (the most well-known homeless shelter/soup kitchen in the city) rather than by the city.
There's some great stuff like this in the parking lot of the O/a/k/l/nd laundromat, of all places. Now that the weather is nice I will take pictures.