Labs no longer reads the comments.
Wow. That menu looks like it was invented by a bunch of students in a drinking game.
True, apo, but surely this deserves its own post.
True, apo, but surely this deserves its own post.
This post really is about sharing, Labs.
Forget killing interest in having sex; the food weighs you down such that it would be physically impossible to have sex afterwards. Perhaps they had a threesome because one person was needed to support the other after the entrees.
You'd have to figure they got the Friday's Three-for-all.
the kinkiness of the act leads me to believe this concerns Republicans, but the post doesn't say....OK, they have a daughter - the press should have sat on this story on the principle that One should never be forced to learn that your parents do this sort of thing. Oh...this is the gay governor? Hilarious. But damn. A Democrat. Would've been so much funnier if he was a Republican.
6: There is also the fact that they called them "Friday Night Specials". Maybe the whole thing was actually sophisticated Performance Art incorporating as many bad puns as possible involving "Friday".
New Jersey: always first with teh classy.
I presume this story was prompted by Matos McGreevey doing the post-Spitzer morning talk-show round as the Wronged Wife.
Governor Crusoe and Friday. OK, I'll stop.
I wonder if the restaurant chain temporarily renames itself this week to TGIGF.
ok, wait, McGreevey wrote about this in a draft of his autobiography? And Pederson apparently came forth with this information at the behest of the gov., as part of his divorce case? Wow. And there's this:
she [Matos] claimed that McGreevey had set up Pedersen, one of his "cronies," to spread the tale because her former husband "cannot stand it when I am receiving attention in the media rather than him."
8: If I've said it once I've said it a dozen times, the New York hooker-as-performance art thing has already been done.
[Matos McGreevey]
Monday morning feels so bad,
Ev'rybody seems to nag me
Coming Tuesday I feel better,
Even my old man looks good,
Wednesday just don't go,
Thursday goes too slow,
I've got Friday on my mind
[Jim McGreevey]
Gonna have fun in the city,
Be with them, 'cuz they're so pretty,
They look fine tonight,
They are out of sight to me,
Tonight....I spend my eat stale bread,
Tonight...I give some head,
Tonight...I got to get tonight
Monday I have Friday on my mind.
Do the five day drag once more,
Know of nothing else that bugs me
More than working for the rich man guv'nor,
Hey I'll change that scene one day,
Today I might be mad,
Tomorrow I'll be glad,
I've got Friday on my mind,
TGI Friday's? Wouldn't that kill any interest in having sex?
Depends. How much flair was Pedersen wearing?
Chain food is a trip, as reliable a microcosm of life in the US as amusement parks. Places where there are only chains will produce people capable of great hairsplitting (Brown's vs KFC say, neither of which can touch Popeyes).
I can fairly reliably turn a lengthy lull in a conversation with Europeans into a laugh by pointing out that the reason McDs food is awful is that the business model is "This outlet should be profitable even if every single employee is a cretin," which places constraints on what one can expect from the kitchen. This is not funny in the US because, given low unemployment, this is an obvious business constraint here, and does not bear remarking.
That said, Fridays bugs me because it tends to be noisy, but, frankly speaking, is not that bad of an oasis in the exurban office-park wastelands that are the destination of so much domestic travel. It's cleaner than a lot of mom+pop places where there's little competition between restaurants. IOW, I'm finding the snnickering overplayed.
This kind of a comedown for McGreevey, who ran on a platform of weekly televised fourgies.
IOW, I'm finding the snnickering overplayed.
Shorter lw: I've got a threesome scheduled for this weekend, suckers.
Funny. I'd be alarmed and depressed simultaneously, I think.
What I find most disappointing is that it was a MMF threesome. Shouldn't a New Jersey Democrat be a feminist?!? Duke Cunningham's hot tub bacchanalias were feminist wonderlands, sometimes the women outnumber the men tenfold.
It could have been worse. It could have been Applebee's.
It could have been Applebee's Chuck E. Cheese.
Chuck E. Cheese would have been so much worse, since there'd be a quasi-pedophile angle in there.
I have been to a TGIF once in my life. They served me two giant martinis. I can find no fault with that.
What I find most disappointing is that it was a MMF threesome.
I think it was previously decided on Unfogged that MMF is feminist, and FFM is not. I may be misremembering that, though.
I'm in favor of political figures having lots of consensual kinky sex. Perhaps even after TGI Fridays. I think it moves us closer to the end of our national sexual hypocrisy.
27: I once spent an evening at TGIF's in Salt Lake City. It was the only place on town my kid brother and I could find alcohol. We had to order food, but we didn't actually eat it. So, yeah, as long as they make with the spirits, I don't care that they aren't the French Laundry.
I spent about 6 hours in Salt Lake waiting for a bus once, and after about an hour circling the Greyhound station I found the sleaziest bar I have ever seen in my life.
It's cleaner than a lot of mom+pop places where there's little competition between restaurants.
Yeah, and your toilet is reputedly cleaner than your kitchen sink. I'd still rather eat in the kitchen.
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