Please show him some love.
Cock photo sent!
Love to ben! The goal is to make you blush, dummy. You may preen if you like.
And I can comment using links having sshed to someplace where, and not (rather than vice versa), gives the new server.
Maybe things will stay like this forever.
Tweety's indiscrete message to ben is making me blush.
indiscrete s/b indiscreet, I'm thinking. Doesn't look right otherwise. Odd.
Success on both servers here at stanford!
Can I comment from my phone? It appears so!
network solutions' whois info still has the old IPs for ns{,1}, though.
I just loaded without typing in the numbers and got the new site. Then I clicked on the comment thread for "Overclocked," and it did not send me to the old comments. Let's see where this comment appears.
Wait, now I'm stranded here all alone. Äh!
Made it through the timewarp. Did you see the fangs on that thing?
And now I've made it to the New World. Woo-hoo! I'm still on the campus network, but am on my phone now. (Don't tell anyone that I'm commenting during seminar.)
Made it through the timewarp. Did you see the fangs on that thing?
That happens sometimes, eh? DRAMA.
Yay! Someone must go about finding ben to engage in kissing him!
I guess this means I was wrong to conclude my hotel internet was faulty earlier today.
Does 3 mean that B is thanking Wolfson between her knockers? which are oscillating violently?
Wrongshore, you write screenplays, you say?
*some love*
Woo, new server! New DNS! shiny shiny!
26: it means hugs, Wrongshore.
I endorse the message of 24.
Amusingly, stanford's network still associates "" with the old IPs.
And my Bayesian mixtape is available on rapidshare right now.
If anyone wants a command-line python script for uploading stuff to rapidshare - say, if you have shell access to a server with a Really Big link into the tubes - I've got one of them too.
If anyone wants a command-line python script for uploading stuff to rapidshare - say, if you have shell access to a server with a Really Big link into the tubes - I've got one of them too.
You left out "laydeez . . .".
Oh and ben, here's some love. Don't spend it all in one place.
32. Thanks!
33. perhaps more conventional than they think. Like Daniel Davies.
Help! I'm trapped on the old server!
(I'm sending this message from my blackberry.)
Hello?? Read is stuck here too. We're terrified. It's so dark in here. Can anyone out there see this message? Please send help.
You're hosed, Brock. Sorry. Sacrifices must be made. We'll drink and sing songs in your memory at the meetup.
Read and Brock are stuck in Unpurggedatory. Everybody should send indulgences to Pope Fontana.
Heebie is with us, too! Someone please help! What if she goes into labor and starts liveblogging the birth ON THE OLD SERVER?! This is an emergency!
It's like watching people trapped in a car in a flood. But someone should airdrop heebie an iPhone or Blackberry.
LB is stuck in here too! This is very bad.
Brock has read and LB all to himself and is complaining?
43: Is it all LB pithily pwning Brock's childhood stories with the occasional "-a" thrown in?
43: they're mostly ignoring me. My panicked hyperventilation is offputting for them, I think. They seem to be preparing themselves for a stoic ending.
I just made it over! Yay! (Sorry Brock, read.)
rescued! but i feel sorry for the old blog somehow, now it's really gone
one can never have both things at once, it's like so illustrative
Brock? Are you OK there, mate?
I'm here! I'm here! Sweet Jesus, what a terrifying and humiliating experience that was. Absolutely inhuman. Wolfson, you should expect to hear from my lawyers.
one can never have both things at once
Porn tells me otherwise.
Neb, I was a bit intrigued by seeming to propagate so differently. Before you went to a CNAME for www was it just an A record? (As I noted somewhere, the trick seems to be to set the TTLs to a very short interval at a time > normal TTL before the move.) Also, it appears that you moved to new nameservers at the same time, so was wondering if the DNS records were updated on the old NS servers at the same time? If it is possible (and it isn't always), best to move the NSs first and get them established then the contentful stuff.
After the fact advice, the best kind! Especially the kind that is half-remembered/half-search refreshed from the mid-'90s.
Well, here's what happened.
ns{,1} are (obviously) subdomains of I thought we'd have to update the nameserver listing with Network Solutions but ogged, a cock, denied that this was (a) necessary or (b) possible.
At first what I did was just copy the config file from the old host to the new one, changing IPs (actually I missed out one change but I don't think that's what lay behind the propagation weirdness as I caught that relatively soon). At that point was an A record with the same ip as Then I stopped bind on the old server and started it on the new, because (duh) it hadn't occurred to me yet that that would make it impossible to find the nameservers.
Ogged pointed this out and I restarted bind on the old server, but changed its config around so that it asserted that {ns{,1},www,} had the correct new IPs.
At some point during the day I also changed to a CNAME record and shortened the TTL on the old server.
Finally, last night, I managed to convice ogged (who is a cock) that he really did have to update the nameserver info at Network Solutions. This involved—and here I'm going to violate the sanctity—his maintaining at first that when the NS documentation pages said "IP address", they just meant "address", as in, domain name. Eventually it was established that that interpretation made no sense and things were updated there. At this point—or possibly sooner actually as it seemed to be making no difference—I shut down bind on the old server again.
So, basically, the last thing to change was the nameservers.
53: ogged alive!
Reported to be alive.
52: OK, not surprising that it was hard to pinpoint. It was the split that was intriguing, as if the A record had a TTL that overrode the domain TTL. I only got to the new "www" after the CNAME, but it was not like I was checking with any regularity. What I *was* looking for and only found last evening, was a site like this one, just DNS lookup, which resolves from a lot of different places (the ones I recalled from years ago were gone, or pay or had other kinds of BS problems). By the time I ran it (~8:30 PM EDT), both forms were resolving to the new IP from all locations at the site.
I may have found the only place on Earth that still connects to the old server.