Get real
on 01.14.04
I am old enough to know, and I assure you that there was a time when documentary film and video wasn't (weren't) called "reality programming" and wasn't judged for the momentum of its plotlines or for the attractiveness of its characters.
(This is what I'm complaining about.)

A job you could grow into
on 01.13.04
If only my job had this sort of career-advancement option. Damn feminists!

Katherine Harris, superstar
on 01.13.04
So, as I understand the delicate politics surrounding Katherine Harris's decision whether to run for Senate, there are two competing forces. (1) "Harris has solid name recognition among Florida voters and impressive fund-raising ability. She collected about $3 million in her first bid for Congress and has used her star power to help Republican candidates around the nation." (2) She played a very visible role in tipping Florida's 2000 electoral-college votes to George Bush and would thus stir up memories the GOP would rather leave lie.
My question: what did Harris actually do to deserve the Republicans' passionate devotion? If the election wasn't actually stolen for Bush, then Harris's role was just that of any other passive bureaucrat. If Harris is getting all this GOP lovin', it must be beacuse they feel like she handed them something they oughtn't have gotten. So isn't Harris's good name among Republican voters and donors also her indictment?
Ah, but silly me -- here I am again surprised at other people's lack of shame.

It's a crime
on 01.13.04
Is anyone else disturbed by this story about two teenage boys in Louisiana who have been arrested for terrorizing -- more specifically, for "creating an elaborate plan to re-create the bloody Columbine high school massacre"?
An anonymous caller tipped off the police, who found among the boys' belongings plans and papers about the Columbine massacre, along with poems and other writings about being bullied themselves, and drawings of the murders of their classmates and a teacher. But no weapons (though they had looked into acquiring weapons). And (as far as I can tell from the article) no actual plans.
I don't want to diss the pre-cogs who work for the Ascension Parish Sheriff, but is intending to plan to commit a horrible crime now criminal?
(Also note the confusing structure of the AP article. Right where you'd expect to read some details about the Louisiana boys' actual plans, there's a detailed discussion of the Columbine killings.)