Have a ball
on 09.09.04
One thing I love about Farber: he knows too much about some unexpected topics. Who knew that typewriter history might matter politically?
Of course, the point is not whether the documents are fake; it's whether there's room for confusion. Quine-Duhem, anyone?

Alert! Tron Guy, Live!
on 09.08.04
Just got a hot tip that Tron guy is on Jimmy Kimmel tonight. Starting now if you're on the East Coast...hurry!

Lines Crossed
on 09.08.04
I know, I know, it happened long ago, and you'll all say, "what took you so long?" but now it's official: Glenn Reynolds, partisan hack.
Here's a summary of Bush's National Guard Service in The Hill. Seems like he put in more hours in the air than Kerry did in Swift boats:
Here's Kevin Drum with a rational roundup.
In other news, Unf and I are off to Anchorage through the weekend. Bob and Fontana, the world needs you now.

Let Me Help You With That
on 09.08.04

Living the dream
on 09.08.04
This is interesting:
my Dean is very supportive of InstaPundit, and regards it as scholarship because it's part of an ongoing experiment in communications and technology, and the University President had some nice things to say about the blog when we met at a dinner last June
Being on the tenure track myself, I've wondered what Reynolds' higher-ups think of his blogging and its effects on his productivity. Well, that's a polite way of putting it. But thinking that it counts as scholarship? Every time I take a dump I'm taking part in experiments in digestion, but I don't list this on my CV.
Let's see. The blog isn't peer reviewed; it doesn't have much original content; the topics it mentions/covers/links to are largely outside the author's academic area; it has a reputation in some quarters for academic dishonesty. Sounds like scholarship to me.
I've always kept it separate from the day job.
Yeah, the timestamps really make that plausible.

Moving Up? Sideways? Whatever!
on 09.08.04
Hey, Kevin Drum had a book review in the New York Times! Congratulations!
via dan drezner

Is It The Red Shirt?
on 09.08.04
There I was, reading Jeannette Wall's Scoop gossip column, when I came across this entry.
[Nicole Kidman's rep] denied reports, however, that Kidman is dating Italian tycoon Flavio Briatore, Naomi Campbell's ex-sweetie and the father of Heidi Klum's daughter.
Now, rich and famous people meet and date rich and famous people; I'm down with that. But Campbell, Klum and Kidman is quite a streak. Flavio must be some super Italian stud. Really, I am so clueless in the ways of the world.

on 09.08.04
The Poor Man, on the forthcoming revelations about Bush. Awesome.

on 09.08.04
I hope lefties don't embarrass themselves by citing this global public opinion survey that shows Kerry is overwhelmingly preferred over Bush by people in the rest of the world. There still are things called nation-states, and they're not supposed to like each other's foreign policy. That's not to say we should set out to offend people, nor that in this case, their interests don't align with America's, but their displeasure is meaningless with regard to who Americans should prefer.

Failed to Meet
on 09.08.04
It's going to be all National Guard, all week. As is fitting, Kevin Drum has a roundup of the latest.

It Can Always Get Worse
on 09.07.04
I read some of Vladimir Putin's comments after Beslan and just shook my head. Jeanne does more.

on 09.07.04
The silver lining in Beslan? Prominent Muslims denounce the violence. Thanks, Gary.

Take One Fire, Add Meat
on 09.07.04
Lindsay Beyerstein (whose blog photo makes me think "lesbian Elvis"), has cooking tips for guys who want to "impress women and get laid."
It's good advice, if a bit ambitious. I think most guys who are starting to cook are aiming for something more along the lines of "feed myself for two out of every three days." In any case, as a longtime serial monogamer, I've never done any seduction cooking, but in my new incarnation as a single dude, I have been searching for the perfect single-guy dish. This is harder than it sounds. The criteria: one-pot; minimal preparation; tasty enough that you look forward to eating it; not so tasty that you can't have it very often; nutritious; filling; not very fattening; not depressing.
I was close with a quinoa dish I was making for a while, but quinoa isn't very filling. But I think I've finally got it. You'll need something like the following (throw in whatever sounds good to you):
Olive Oil
Can of crushed tomatoes
Curry powder
Hot sauce
Chop the onions and garlic and sautee in olive oil (the garlic needs far less time in the pan than the onions).
Throw in the chopped chorizo, which makes a nice oil of its own--brown to taste.
After soaking and rinsing the lentils, drain and add them to the pot/pan.
Salt, pepper, curry powder and hot sauce to taste (lentils suck up salt; you'll need more than you think). Mix a bit.
Add the crushed tomatoes and mix.
Add the chopped carrots and mix.
Use the tomato can to add water until everything's submerged. Cover, bring to a boil, then simmer until the lentils are well-cooked and it's all as watery/unwatery as you like.
That's it. I usually have it with toast and salad, and I'm not sick of it yet. (By the way, I chose lentils because I grabbed a table of the nutritional value of hundreds of ingredients from somewhere on the web, threw it into a database, and queried for foods that had some high percentage of their calories from protein, were low in fat, etc. Lentils and a couple of soy products carried the day.)

Lede Buried, Bearing Fruit
on 09.07.04
There's a lot of chaff and misdirection here, but the apostropher really wants us all to know that he has a big penis.
All the best, in any case.

Coke, Terror, Whatever
on 09.07.04
There are no knockout blows, but I'll take what I can get.

It's a Joke, But Not Really
on 09.07.04
You can thank me later, but I think I just found the blue/red divide. In the blue corner, we have James Wolcott's terrific post about rooting for hurricanes. In the red corner, people who don't get it. Maybe I shouldn't make too much of this. Maybe people are just reacting to the hints of partisanship in Wolcott's post, but golly, it does seem that the red corner is filled with people who would never "root" for a hurricane, and really don't understand the impulse, and folks in the blue corner would say, "Yeah, I do that too!"
I know it's a great opportunity to slam the irony-free righties, but I do think there's a serious difference here, and imagine trying to explain to someone who doesn't root for hurricanes, why it's ok to do it.
I'll post an update when I've thought about this some more, but questions: Is this a real and significant difference that somehow helps explain the "cultural divide" in this country? How would you articulate the difference? Is it the folks who believe in fate vs. the folks who believe in mastery? Or the ones who can only muster ironic detachment and the the ones who are closer to lived suffering? The first answer in my mind, of course, is that it's people I could be friends with, and people I couldn't, but that doesn't get us very far.
FIRST UPDATE: It can't be the reason for the blue/red divide, because I thought of a bunch of lefties who wouldn't get it either. Damn.