He got 301 votes.
on 09.18.09
Meet Livonia, Michigan City Council candidate Glenn Moon. Worth watching to the end.

Doggie Death Panels
on 09.18.09
Assume a beloved family pet was diagnosed with cancer or another fatal illness. What would you do to keep it alive? Surgery? Surgeries? Daily injections? Amputation of multiple limbs? Chemotherapy?
I'm frequently surprised by the extreme measures people will go through to keep animals alive. Not just because of the expense, but also because I can't imagine the animal understands the correlation between the pain its going through and extending its life by a few weeks or months. Often, I think an animal hospice would be far more humane.

The fury recedes pretty quick, but still.
on 09.18.09
Hey businesses. Stop making the sole listing of your phone number 1-800-CAR-RENT or whatever, because the young'ns can't look at their phones any more and see what to dial, and then we get momentarily furious.
Hey young'ns, don't forget that the alphabet starts on 2, and p-q-r-s are all on one key, and there's usually no x. To the best of my memory.

Poor chicken
on 09.17.09
This is why they usually script the banter. (NSFW)

George Michael Said It
on 09.16.09
Parsimon comments:
Wouldn't it be interesting if people of, say, junior high or high school age were asked to attend a few sessions of religious ceremony in each of several places of worship?
I've never been in a synagogue, or a mosque. I've never been to Baptist church services. This is terrible, at least in terms of understanding the experiences of those around me.
I've had this thought before and wondered about implementation. I could spell out the ten or twenty questions that pop into my mind thinking about it, but you lot almost certainly have more. Have at it.
As an opening salvo, I'll highlight that we're talking "asked" versus "required" to attend.

¿Merlina o Miércoles?
on 09.16.09
One of those things I keep learning and then forgetting and then relearning and going "Oh yeah!" is that Cousin Itt goes by Tío Cosa in much of Latin America but Primo Eso in Spain.
I'm not sure you'll share my interest in this fascinating matter, but if nothing else maybe it'll stick if I write it down this time.

Bridgeplate High II
on 09.16.09
One of my favorite non sequiturs has to be my friend's question to me in gym class as we were doing a set of inclined crunches. Crunch, and crunch, and "Do you believe in absolute morality?", and crunch, and crunch. This friend later matured into full wingnuthood.

And you were there, and you, and Ogged was still around.
on 09.16.09
Last night I had a dream, except I think it's really a memory, except I'm missing a lot of pieces and I want you all to help me piece it together. It was probably the Unfogged thread that I found most shocking and delightful, except I can't remember what it was about. It was someone - maybe Brock? - and some crazy-ass story that was unfolding in real time, and he kept posting updates throughout the thread.
Here's the only identifying detail I remember: The thread had to be deleted altogether, because there was too much non-anonymous stuff in there. There was an announcement of sorts that the thread was going to be deleted, and so commenters should read it while the door was open, because it was so wild. I made the comment: "If you want a quick version of the story, go to thread X and search for [subject's name], and just read their comments, and the story will unfold perfectly." I vividly remember making that comment, and yet I have no idea who the subject was or what the hell happened. Anyone remember?
On the off-chance that it turns out to still be too sensitive, we can go back and anonymize this thread if necessary. On the off-chance that it turns out to all be a dream, what a let-down.

The Dressing Room As It Was
on 09.15.09
I have smelled what foundation and cold cream smells like spread over the faces of horny Drama Club teens in tight quarters backstage. I relived that experience this evening when I found madeleines in my mailbox, not madeleines but a book sent by media mail. I fear the scent of the book will prove distracting as I read about how ancient interpreters understood the Hebrew Bible, a subject fairly remote from that of the electric mix of cosmetics and libido.

hey sexy ur a cutie. wanna chat?
on 09.15.09
OKCupid does some data mining and finds out what openers are most and least likely to get a response.

Not the Australian band.
on 09.14.09
I find Charlie Sheen laughably hard to take seriously as a spokesperson. I just keep thinking, "Men at Work, [snicker]."
It seems like contrived sincerity, but I can't exactly pinpoint why.

It's nylon, maroon, with a lot of snaps and zippers.
on 09.14.09
Like millions of mixed up kids across the land, in high school, I wore my dad's old jacket from when he was in college. The first time I pulled it out and tried it on, I stuck my hand in the pocket and pulled out a plastic baggie, roughly a quarter full with black, brittle, ancient pot. I was so delighted; I admonished "Dad! Look what's in your jacket!" Dad smirked and did that you-got-me open-palms-up gesture. Then Mom and Dad made me throw it out.
That Christmas break, my brother came home from college and said "Hey! You found Dad's old jacket! I used to wear that when I was in high school!"
Ba-dum-bum-ching. Mostly I thought that we needed a new thread, and this anecdote has been on my potential-topics list for forever, so I decided to trot it out. Don't do drugs.

The Internet Is Public? Who Knew?
on 09.13.09
There's a funny article in the New York Times about lawyers who blog negatively about judges, or reveal confidential information about cases, and are surprised to suffer blowback, in the form of professional discipline. I simultaneously find myself thinking "Man, that's really stupid," and "But it is a natural mistake." Bitching about judges is a timehonored legal tradition -- I certainly do it with vigor and enjoyment -- but you do it on the phone with friends or over drinks, not out in public with your real name attached. (Come to think of it, I have at least once complained about a judge here, but pseudonymously, on a case where I was junior enough that no one outside the firm would have any real way of knowing what case I was working on, and without identifying case details. Still incautious, but not like the people in the article.)
Still, blogs and Facebook and similar feel like intimate social spaces, and intimate social spaces feel like places where you're entitled to an expectation of privacy, where nothing said will go any further. People are taking a very long time to adjust to a world where intimate social interaction is, at least sometimes, absolutely public, and where they have to consciously distinguish between matters that are 'private' in the sense that no one who doesn't know the speaker personally is likely to be interested, and matters that are 'private' in the sense that the speaker has a real need for them not to be publicly on record.
Over the next decade or so, I think there's going to be a broad change in social expectations around privacy, at least among people whose social lives are lived heavily online. People are going to get used to living in a panopticon, and thinking of things that they don't want to be broadly known as secrets, to be kept as such, rather than as simply 'private'. This doesn't seem like a terrible problem to me, given that in a lot of ways it's like returning to the panopticon-like small-town life that most people have lived in for most of history. But making the transition seems to be very difficult for a lot of people.