Movie trailers
on 11.27.09
The voiceover in the trailer here contains the line "college kids: the other white meat". The description here displays admirable empathy and responsiveness to what's important:
I hope things work out for him.Ashley's life transforms after a chance encounter with the beautiful Angela, who lifts his life out of its stagnating routine and introduces him to a love he never thought possible. Fate tests this unexpected happiness when a stranger assaults and rapes Angela. Determined to not lose his new found love, Ashley devotes himself to helping her overcome her trauma.

on 11.26.09
George Hutchins wants to be my Congressman.
"The November 4, 2008 U.S. President Election, to include ALL North Carolina state elections of 2008, was the ALAMO of the U.S. Republican Party in North Carolina, and the ALAMO of the U.S. Republican Party Nationwide!!!"
"During the 2008 U.S. Elections, as a Campaign STAFF member, of the FRED SMITH for North Carolina Governor Campaign during the NC Republican Primary, a volunteer for the U.S. Senator ELIZABETH DOLE Campaign, and Veterans For John MCCAIN MEMBER, I FOUGHT with all legal methods to STOP Obama - Nation."
"As I was FIGHTING 'Obama - Nation' in 2008, Fence-Riders and RINO'S RAN for their lives, while these same RINO'S attempted to silent my Honorable Efforts."
"In addition to MASS VOTING FRAUD, it was these same RINO'S, and same Fence-Riders, which caused the Republicans to lose big during the 2008 elections, in both, North Carolina, and Nationwide."
"These same Fence-Riders and same RINO'S, while UNJUSTLY claiming to be Conservatives, FALSELY believed 'Obama Supporters' would also vote for them, or the Republican Candidate, which they supported, in North Carolina, during 2008."
The website is really something to behold. In his favor, he does at least understand the proper racial categories, even if he got a couple of the names wrong.

I put that envelope under that garbage.
on 11.25.09
I think it is important to listen to Alice's Restaurant on Thanksgiving Day, or at least have the option to. Please, enjoy responsibly, tomorrow.

Stupid Times
on 11.24.09
Northern California breeds food pioneers: M. F. K. Fisher, Alice Waters, Alfred Peet, for starters
—except that Fisher was born in Michigan, raised in southern California, and became whatever she was to food—not, I shouldn't think, a pioneer—in, if it was anywhere, France. She did spend the second half of her life in northern California, but I'd hardly call that being bred there, not even bred as a food pioneer or writer. Alfred Peet was 35 by the time he came to San Francisco, and it was, evidently, because he was already capable of detecting that the coffee there to be had sucked that he started his business. If anywhere bred him as a food pioneer (as if there wasn't already good coffee to be had elsewhere), it seems to have been London and the antipodes. Waters I'll give them.
This entirely pointless post has been brought to you by feeling pissy.

Stimulate these tepid glares from the carful of liberals behind you, why doncha?
on 11.24.09
My carpool keeps getting stuck behind a black pickup truck with the bumper sticker that reads "Stimulate the Economy: Impeach Obama". We find it so infuriating that today we followed him to find out who it was. It belongs to a tall, skinny kid wearing a Heebie U sweatshirt. Punk.
Google is sponsoring a bunch of free wifi at different airports this holiday season. I am taking advantage of this in the San Antonio airport right this very moment. Thanks, Google!

Penelope Trunk has a good rhythm, like Hieronymous Bosch
on 11.23.09
Penelope Trunk was linked here a few months ago, and I've gotten totally hooked on her blog. Her career advice is not very interesting, but her posts about living with Asperger's Syndrome are fascinating. I keep coming back to this one in particular.
Her career advice posts tend to be Cosmo-style rules for excelling in given situations. These are clearly borne out of the yearning for clear-cut rules, the kind that replace social nuances which evade people with Aspergers. Because of this, I forgive the career post rules.
I also love her lack of boundaries. She recently made headlines for live-blogging her miscarriage. Poke around at her site and you will quickly learn all of her sordid secrets.
I tend not to have secrets. (Besides my secret online life. (Which totally bothers me, actually.)) I never expect other people to have secrets. If something isn't talked about, I assume it doesn't exist. This has led to most of my cringey moments here on Unfogged, where I've said "Do you all REALIZE that so many people do X???" And everyone says "Quit judging, you asshole!" And I've had to explain that I really wasn't judging, I was just fascinated. Anyway, Penelope Trunk appeals to me as a kindred soul in this regard. (In other regards, she's a total lunatic. But still appealing.)

I am a bit Ba'al Teshuva for feminism.
on 11.23.09
Ba'al Teshuva are born-again Orthodox Jews, basically. But it's understood among those who were born the first time that the Ba'al Teshuva are going to be doubly fervent and observant, for having grown up less religious.
I find this to be a useful concept, that those who come to ideas as adults are twice as dogmatic and rigid than those who are raised with an idea. I grew up with a friend whose spouse is very Californian. The spouse was raised with parents who teach yoga and embrace holistic medicines and she was raised vegetarian, etc. The spouse is noncommittal about these things. But my friend is freakin' prosyletizing and evangelical about the yoga and the freedom from competitive sports, and I call him Ba'al Teshuva California behind his back.
I was reminded of this when I read this post over at Obsidian Wings.
More recently, a group of increasingly vocal disillusioned ex-jihadis (the subjects of the story) have provided Hari with a more unguarded glimpse into the thought processes and evolution of radical. Unsurprisingly, the profile that emerges tracks with the findings of Marc Sageman:
1. Those that join these causes tend not to be very religious in their younger years. In fact, their ignorance of Islam leads them to uncritically accept certain radical Wahhabist teachings as gospel. Unfortunately, due to the fact that the Saudi Arabian government spends lavishly to spread Wahhabism to all corners of the globe through the state-funded proliferation of literature, teachers, madrasas and mosques, the Wahhabist presence is so ubiquitous and domineering that young Muslims looking to learn more about their religion frequently stumble upon this pernicious brand for lack of visible alternatives. And, likewise, one of the most effective means of rehabilitating terrorists/jihadists is Koranic study.
(The post lists more points and goes elsewhere.)
There's just something about adult conversions that leave people doubling-down their effort to assert their dedication to the cause. My guess is that it's a combination of a lifetime root dissatisfaction with their previous incarnation that is now being redressed, and possibly a feeling of inauthenticity in the reincarnation, compared to those who take it for granted.

Loving would be easy if your colors were like my dreams
on 11.22.09
Lately it occurs to me that slate blue and butter yellow would be a good combination for a kitchen.
Some of my favorite color combinations include: light blue and red, pine green and lavender, and I always have a soft spot for mustards and avocados and general Polaroid misty memory colors.