I sure would like to be a professional bloviator
on 12.26.09
This is some kind of stupid article!
Mildly amusing: Let's peg that per diem each True Fan spends at $100 per year
Suppose that you added not only a fan a day but indeed a True Fan a day, a TF being someone who will purchase anything and everything you produce
, that is, a chump, and thus that after three years you have a thousand of them. Suppose also that you are a musician and by some lucky miracle have the chance to make a recording for free—nothing, not studio time, not the actual physical production of the cd (if there is one), not its marketing, nothing costs a red cent. And there's no label taking a cut, so when you sell it for $15, it's all profit. Naturally your thousand true fans snap it up. Congrats, you've made $15,000. Not bad, but a far cry from the $100,000 Kelly thinks you're in for. (Maybe he's imagining someone putting stuff out at a Muslimgauze-like pace—but then few people could do that without sacrificing quality, and significantly fewer people will match their purchases to your release schedule if you do that. Or maybe he's imagining that you'll just sell your album for $100, since after all your Fans are True.)
Also mildly amusing: Maybe it is 500 True Fans for a painter and 5,000 True Fans for a videomaker
. So is the idea that you'll turn out 500 paintings in a year, or what? And how many people are there who'll buy a painting from the same artist every year?

on 12.25.09
So, this is appalling, if not too surprising, given what I know about Lega Nord's history:
[…] in this town of 8,000 inhabitants between Milan and Venice, the approach to Christianity's most sacred festival has been marked in a very special way. On orders from the local council, controlled by the conservative Northern League, police have been carrying out house-to-house searches for illegal immigrants in an action dubbed Operation White Christmas. The operation is due to finish on December 25.
Some 3,000 people have marched through the town in protest at the operation, which the Vatican called "sad and distressing". But it has been endorsed by Silvio Berlusconi's government. Visiting nearby Brescia, where he announced the opening of a detention camp for suspected illegal immigrants - a so-called centre for identification and expulsion - Berlusconi's interior minister, Roberto Maroni, a leader of the League, complimented Coccaglio's mayor.
"Operation White Christmas has been carried out in other towns with other names and without arousing the same kind of clamour," he said. "These are initiatives that serve to check and combat the phenomenon of illegal immigrants. So there is no 'story' and no racism."
I've heard of traditional holiday beverages, but White Whine is a new one.

on 12.24.09
So, everything (which is not very much) I've read suggests these guys are playing fast and loose with the Mithras/Jesus thing. And yet? Still funny:
Oh, UK panel shows. How I love you.

So apparently
on 12.24.09
some healthcare-related stuff just happened? I'm sure this has been done to death in comments.

Please relax.
on 12.24.09
Lots of things can be just as terrible as a Modern Love Column.

I don't like the post title I had. Suggestions? Winston
on 12.23.09
We've had this discussion before, but this is still a fun list of baby name predictions for the next decade. It rings really true to me, and I am pleased that Hawaiian Punch is not on there. (Although our front-runner for boy names is derivative of one of them.)

Damn-damn-da-damn-dee-damning with faint praise
on 12.22.09
Let's have some this-inspired fun.

I board because I'm young and edgy
on 12.22.09
I never went skiing growing up, and I've snowboarded maybe every other year as an adult.
1. I always feel a little fraudulent in ski lodges and slopes, similar to how I feel when I'm in California.
2. I really like sports and exercise, but boy am I a scaredy cat. Technically, I can snowboard on my toe-edge and on the heel-edge, and I can get back and forth between the two, but I am very timid about any sort of steepness. Because it's scary.
3. On the other hand, within my comfort zone, I think snowboarding is super fun.

on 12.21.09
It's a bit hard to sort out the details, but this story is making the rounds. Here's the longest video I could turn up.
My initial reaction (again, without having access to all the facts) is that the off-duty detective was out-of-line, but the uniformed on-duty folks actually handled the situation quite well.
Also, didn't this happen, like, a block from the flophouse? Mm hmm. I blame 'smasher (whose name is 'smasher, so that was totes fair warning).

Now, a druid slanket would be practical and cozy
on 12.21.09
Unitarians listen to the Inner Voice and so they have no creed that they all stand up and recite in unison, and that's their perfect right, but it is wrong, wrong, wrong to rewrite "Silent Night." If you don't believe Jesus was God, OK, go write your own damn "Silent Night" and leave ours alone. This is spiritual piracy and cultural elitism and we Christians have stood for it long enough. And all those lousy holiday songs by Jewish guys that trash up the malls every year, Rudolph and the chestnuts and the rest of that dreck. Did one of our guys write "Grab your loafers, come along if you wanna, and we'll blow that shofar for Rosh Hashanah"? No, we didn't.
Christmas is a Christian holiday -- if you're not in the club, then buzz off. Celebrate Yule instead or dance around in druid robes for the solstice. Go light a big log, go wassailing and falalaing until you fall down, eat figgy pudding until you puke, but don't mess with the Messiah.
Gosh, you're so daring to assault Unitarians and Jews for their war on Christmas. Watch out, liberals, I'm going to up-end conventional wisdom!

Bird's eye view
on 12.20.09
Could the historians weigh in on this? It's a bit of medicinal perspective that HCR is no more depressing than other major legislation would have seemed at the time it was passed.

In which I learn I am sheltered
on 12.20.09
Regular TV is shocking. I just watched a commercial for The Humane Society that would have made me hysterically upset if I'd seen it growing up. Lots of tragic-eyed animals in abusive situations. Not being injured on camera, but packed like sardines, or visibly injured, or generally looking sad. As is, I shielded my eyes for the last half and my stomach turned.
Now Jersey Shore is back on. Hanging out with Jammies' little brothers is educational, I guess.