So, the most recent XKCD as of this writing
on 11.10.12
Namely, this one. I don't understand how the frequentist statistician came up with the 1/36 figure. The neutrino detector will say "Yes" if ((the sun has exploded and it rolls at most one six) or (the sun hasn't exploded and it rolls two sixes)). Right? And we're supposing we don't know whether the sun has exploded. So … what am I missing?
I also don't understand why the frequentist statistician is made to draw the conclusion depicted, but that is, I suspect, a different issue.

on 11.10.12
Measurable outcome of gerrymandered districts in the House of Representatives. For example:
President Obama won Pennsylvania by more than 5 points, but Democrats carried only 5 of the state's 18 congressional seats. Similar stories played out elsewhere. Obama won Virginia, and Democrats took 3 of 11 House seats. Obama won Ohio, but Democrats carried only 4 of 16 seats in Ohio.
Overall, half million more votes were cast for Democratic House candidates, but the Republicans have the house, 233-192.

Oh, this is much worse/more interesting than my last post
on 11.09.12
Apparently coal CEO Murray fired 160 people on Wednesday, along with reading this letter.
Wasn't he the CEO who mandated all employees attend the Romney rally (uncompensated)? I can't remember if he also made threats about people being laid off. At any rate, this seems to be clearly taking revenge, or at least opportunistically making a point. What a fucking asshole.

on 11.09.12
Last night I was talking with a local pastor and another campus person about some service learning projects we're collaborating on. The local pastor kept emphasizing how inclusive he is, how different denominations are all worshiping the same Christ and we're all serving in the name of the Lord, etc. To an extent, he was talking about his collaborations with other churches around town. But not entirely.
Ought I speak up in that situation and clarify that I'm not Christian?

on 11.09.12
Help me, because I'm being totally dense. Why does limiting people to filling up on even or odd days actually reduce the amount of gas they use? Just because it brings it to their attention that there's a large gas shortage, and so they're more conscientious about how they drive? Because they wait longer between fill-ups? (Which would help a shortage on the order of 2-4 weeks, but not one stretching on for months.)
When they say you can only water your lawn on certain days, I imagine it actually reduces the frequency that some people water their lawn. But gas is less flexible. Or so I would think.

Super fast
on 11.08.12
This little girl sure is fun to watch:
Via all over the place.

on 11.08.12
Given the length of the thread below, I'm sure someone linked this. But they didn't do it so prominently, now did they.

Ingrates, all of you
on 11.07.12
Sure, Dad comes home once every four years on Xmas and brings presents and every one is SUPER EXCITED to see him. But then he's gone the next day and who's been keeping you fed and clothed for the last, and next four years? Mom. YOU'RE WELCOME.
And keep your jokes about Dad showing up with a raging election to yourself, jerks.

The Big Night
on 11.06.12
An afternoon in texts, with Fontana Labs.
Has this been a particularly dirty erection?
It might be the most important erection of our lives.
But this erection won't produce results until late in the evening.
With an erection on the line, you have to favor the black man over the Mormon.
It's math.
Michelle has been much more supportive than Ann of her husband's erection.
The First Lady would be sad to see her husband lose the erection.
But Romney's sons have worked tirelessly for their father's erection.
And Romney has finally managed to stimulate the base for this erection.
Remember when we both worked for John Kerry's erection? That one hurt.
I went door to door for that erection. I still feel guilty about asking that elderly man about his erection plans.
After the torture and stress positions and crazy pictures, we should have dominated, but no, Bush gets the erection.
Why can't Obama have an erection without punching a hippie?
I grant you that, but he really did reach out to gays with this erection.
Romney might still get this, despite admitting that 47% of people will NEVER give him an erection.
One of these men is going to lose the last erection of his life tonight.
Paul Ryan is young, this is surely not his last erection.
Is it true they're going to kick out Hilary after the erection?
No way, Bill Clinton can still swing an erection.

Toxin removal
on 11.06.12
This showed up in my Pinterest feed. I can't imagine anything fouler than swishing olive oil in your mouth for 15-20 minutes.

Cheery thoughts from Tim Burke
on 11.06.12
Were these linked in the comments yet? I wouldn't know. Here are two optimistic posts from everyone's favorite reasonable person.

Back when a fetus was a fetus
on 11.06.12
I had no idea that evangelical Christians used to be pro-choice:
In 1968, Christianity Today published a special issue on contraception and abortion, encapsulating the consensus among evangelical thinkers at the time. In the leading article, professor Bruce Waltke, of the famously conservative Dallas Theological Seminary, explained the Bible plainly teaches that life begins at birth:
"God does not regard the fetus as a soul, no matter how far gestation has progressed. The Law plainly exacts: 'If a man kills any human life he will be put to death' (Lev. 24:17). But according to Exodus 21:22-24, the destruction of the fetus is not a capital offense... Clearly, then, in contrast to the mother, the fetus is not reckoned as a soul."
The magazine Christian Life agreed, insisting, "The Bible definitely pinpoints a difference in the value of a fetus and an adult." And the Southern Baptist Convention passed a 1971 resolution affirming abortion should be legal not only to protect the life of the mother, but to protect her emotional health as well.
Up until the late '70's:
Televangelist Jerry Falwell spearheaded the reversal of opinion on abortion in the late 1970s, leading his Moral Majority activist group into close political alliance with Catholic organizations against the sexual revolution.
Interesting. Fortunately, they could take their cue from Catholicism and easily unite against feminism, being gay, and abortion all in one swift decimation of human dignity.

The future is SO CLOSE.
on 11.05.12
Neil the Ethical Werewolf has a new site where he'll be evaluating who is the most accurate fortune-teller in all the land, starting Wednesday. Dump your predictions here.

Well Played, Sandy.
on 11.05.12
Fine, I'm voting Obama, not Stein. The storm still has the situation in the Northeast messed up enough that I am no longer confident that voting Stein is harmless. I hope you're all happy.
And I remain seriously dissatisfied with Obama.

Driving Etiquette
on 11.05.12
Oklahoma does not seem to have the following custom which Texas has: if you're on a 2 lane country road, with a double yellow line, and someone comes up behind you, then you should drive on the shoulder and let them pass you in the main driving lane.
I found this a little nutty when I first moved here, and slightly terrifying to drive on the shoulder at, say, 50 mph, but I've come to appreciate the custom.