Stay Glad
on 12.28.12
Woody Guthrie's rather sweet list of New Year's resolutions, from 1942.

If you need an emetic, this is it.
on 12.28.12
"Three weeks ago we blogged about sessional teachers, the often underpaid, overworked "Roads Scholars" who teach individual classes (sometimes through multiple universities). Most of them hope to accumulate enough teaching experience to become tenured at a university."

Guest Post - Steve Jobs and Apple
on 12.28.12
Shearer writes: I reviewed Walter Isaacson's recent biography of Steve Jobs on my blog. I wasn't too impressed as the book seemed pretty routine to me, of interest mainly if you're interested in Jobs and Apple. The book claims (p. 566) Jobs was "... the greatest business executive of out era, the one most likely to be remembered a century from now. History will place him in the pantheon right next to Edison and Ford. ...". This seems overstated to me but then I have never been an Apple fan, I don't think I own any of their products.
Heebie's take: Mostly amused at the idea that a biography of Steve Jobs book isn't too impressive, because it's mostly only worth reading if you're interested in Jobs and Apple.

Listen to All the Songs?
on 12.27.12
Welp, DJ Earworm has done it again, taking the top 25 hits on the (US, I assume?) pop chart from 2012 and making a new song out of them that is fun, makes you want to throw your hands up while being in da club, possibly subsequently have to take your clothes off because it's hot in herre, and so on. Starting at 1.21, when it begins to do the "a capella, but then wait for THE DROP people" thing, I think it stumbles a little by just...not bringing it. Instead there's another chorus, sort of, marred by too-heavy a reliance upon Ke$ha (and truly, about what thing can that not be said, if said thing relies on Ke$ha). You can't just increase the anticipatory tension with your vocal-only section and then fail to bring the rock--it's a cock-tease move. Nonetheless, it is an enjoyable song, and succeeds in living up to the Earworm name: it gets stuck in my head. (A lot of people online are all "2009 was the best, man," but I think that was in part because he surprised us all, and the video that year was sweet.) My children's complaint: not enough Gangnam Style.
Mine: not enough black people. Really, is there still a separate but equal RnB chart or something? OK, Nikki Minaj, Rhianna, Flo Rida. Sort of some Janelle Monae for a second because of Fun., but really? That's it? I suppose the name says it all--United State of Pop. But don't black musicians generally exercise an iron grip over this arena as well as, you know, all the other ones except bluegrass? There are two bland women who each get a single measure singing a good octave higher than a) they can and b) anyone should unless she is heading towards me at faster than light speeds. I can only imagine they are American Idol winners or something. Beyonce didn't release some B-side? Hip-hop ceased to exist?

on 12.26.12
Is there a name for this style of art? I'd put the illustrations of Ezra Jack Keats and others in this category too. It almost looks like paper cut-outs, but there's more going on than that. Anyway I absolutely adore it and would like to read up about it.

I hope Helpy-Chalk doesn't mind that I lifted his FB status wholesale.
on 12.25.12
Helpy-chalk (unwittingly) writes in: Huffpo only reports two criticisms of the paper's decision to print these addresses [of gun owners]. One suggests that they are endangering people who *are not* on the list by telling criminals that they are undefended. Another suggests that they are endangering judges and policemen, who allegedly are more likely to have gun permits. The pro-gun people don't seem to be suggesting that gun owners are put at risk by this. And why should pro-gun people say this? The gun owners should be safe, since they have guns.
It would be interesting to see if any one criticizes this action because it stigmatizes gun ownership.
Heebie's take: Doesn't that just read like a pre-written post?

From an artist in Red Hook who glazes them with sea glass.
on 12.24.12
Artisanally hand-crafted Park Slope-sourced exploitation? Are chamber pots so fundamentally gross that no one should find such circumstances acceptable, or is it charming and rustic and quit harshing our artisanal mellow? I vote gross.

Blowhards gonna blow.
on 12.23.12
Open your mouth only if what you have to say is more beautiful than silence.
I hate that sentiment.

on 12.23.12
These two labradors are just confirming how little I want to own a dog. Jammies really wants the kids to grow up with one, and the pictures on FB are cute, so I'd somewhat been softening.* But the real things live are just totally annoying.
* I like to say "Everyone knows you can't have breasts and dogs in the same household," as a way of punting the conversation for a few years.