Stiff as a board
on 08.31.13
(I don't know how to write this post without setting myself up for a bunch of morning stiffie jokes. Keep it together, folks.)
At what age should one expect to wake up completely stiff and have to warm up before they can walk around not looking like a crumpled old lady? Are there any remedies if this stage seems to have onset much too early? Stretching and moving around helps, but nothing is very fast. What I'd like is to hop out of bed like a 35 year old.

For those who have kabillions of dollars.
on 08.30.13
Wouldn't a leather keyboard be squeaky? Wouldn't this particular gold vibrator be hard to grip? Go here to spend your buckets of money.
Semi-related question: At what line do you personally believe that accumulated wealth becomes unethical?
Link via Delagar

Guest post (heebie): Odisse odientibus est esse
on 08.30.13
Some people just have a bad attitude.
I have to say, I would have expected a much different paper from the title "Attitudes without Objects".

Digging up history
on 08.29.13
Jammies saw the following tweet:
Don Van Natta Jr. @DVNJr 18h
In 3 months, I interviewed 50+ people for my Bobby Riggs story. Gail Collins dismisses it after buzzing Nick Pileggi
Wha-huh? ESPN is claiming that the famous Bobby Riggs-Billie Jean King tennis exhibition match was rigged by the mob. Gail Collins is claiming that this is an absurd conspiracy theory designed to undermine one of the most symbolic moments in the women's movement.
I'm torn between my love of gossipy conspiracy theories and my feminist indignation. Also I haven't read everything thoroughly.
Links also via Jammies

How To Manage Geeks.
on 08.28.13
I imagine this is spot-on, although I haven't actually managed geeks.

Burning Man
on 08.28.13
Police busting in on Burning Man. The link is short on details, but I've certainly got my prejudices about what might be occurring.
Via Benquo, elsewhere

on 08.28.13
So this is officially the longest stretch (ie three months) that I've ever maintained an exercise routine that involved strength-training. Two observations:
1. Proper form is essentially "be as unladylike as possible". I notice it most during the rest of my life - should I get the item off the bottom shelf like a lady or like a strongbad?
2. Years ago, someone gave me some noble savage spiel on how, on the veldt we used to live in squat position, and look at small children, and compare our crass modern desks and our crass modern butts. Obligingly, I tried out the squat position and was essentially on my tiptoes. We both mocked my modern ways and how inflexible I was. (I'm notoriously inflexible: in sixth grade, I couldn't reach the over-hanging shelf on the sit-and-reach that extends perhaps 8" out, over your shins.)
Strength-training has markedly increased my flexibility, especially for keeping my heels on the ground in a full squat position, which I can now do easily. It's even comfortable. It's really remarkable.

on 08.27.13
I don't exactly think we should get involved in Syria. But I know a number of Kosovars in their early twenties, who were children during the war, and lived through monstrous atrocities and are deeply grateful for the intervention. Perhaps you have an opinion?

If you need an emetic, here it is.
on 08.27.13
I know that some here don't like the Smashing Pumpkins. But even they, I believe, will agree that this is the worst Smashing Pumpkins cover that has ever existed or can be conceived.

Mental clutter
on 08.27.13
I can't remember my nieces and nephews' birthdays, but I can't forget that September 5th is the S-sky twins' birthday is September 5th, despite not having seen them in several decades.

States' right to fail
on 08.27.13
One of the last taboos about which groups are succeeding and failing is to group people by state. It's no secret that schools, health care outcomes, poverty, etc all vary by state. For ex. But it is completely off the table to design a policy which targets failing states. Legacy of the Civil War and states with Daddy Issues, and blah blah blah.

Assumption of segregation
on 08.26.13
I've had the following experience multiple times: a black person is cooing or making faces at the baby, and says some variation of "She's never seen a black person before!"
I have no idea how to respond to this. (It is not the case that the babies are unfamiliar with black people.)

I Only Do The Crossword When I'm On Vacation
on 08.26.13
Anyone who does them regularly may find today's in the NYT rewarding. Certainly easy enough, in a couple of senses.

Guest Post - Joan Didion
on 08.25.13
JRoth writes: So I was led, by discussion of the new Manson bio, to get Joan Didion's The White Album. The eponymous essay is fascinating (if maybe a bit solipsistic), but the rest have surprised me, because they seem really... reactionary? Actually, the overall vibe I get is the way that liberalish people who live in very liberal places (most typically college towns like Ithaca or Northampton) start to feel real contempt for actual liberals; I think we've discussed this phenomenon.
Even the famous essay on Ronald Reagan's governor's mansion (which is a glorified ranch house that no one ever lives in) spends more time implying that the liberals who look down on it are elitists than it does implying that the house says bad things about Reagan and his supporters.
And then there's her essay The Women's Movement, which I still haven't gotten through, because, unless I'm missing something subtle, it's incredibly condescending and anti-feminist. It says, in so many words, that the only interesting thing about the movement is its Marxist pretensions, and she dismisses feminism as being a bunch of women who really just want to be children (or something; I really couldn't quite follow her argument, and it was pissing me off too much to read closely).
So... did everybody already know this? Was Joan Didion always already a reactionary? Am I completely misreading her? And is she right that feminists are a total drag?