on 05.10.14
A 62-year-old man looking for a wife on a TV dating show stunned the host and studio audience by revealing that he had murdered his first wife and later killed a lover with an ax during an argument.
Sefer Calinak casually mentioned his complicated history with women while appearing this week on Flash TV's The Luck of The Draw, the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet Daily News. tweeted Thursday.
He was quick to add, however, that he is now an "honest person looking for a new wife."
"I killed her after she tried to kill me," he said. "She was accidentally killed when I swung the ax."
As one does.

on 05.09.14
Some good info from The Upshot.
--Don't be surprised that people still say racist things.
--Good NFL quarterbacks who are short tend to have big hands.

Motley links
on 05.08.14
1. How the religious homeschool movement of the 80s and 90s has now produced young adults coming forward and forming support networks to deal with crazy fundamentalist and abusive childhoods.
(Such fundamentalist kids never end up at Heebie U, which is a clearly secular academically, but I do know a decent number of religious kids who were home-schooled and got a very solid education, so I feel compelled to say "this is appalling and a huge problem, but there are plenty of religious home-schoolers who are educating their kids and not abusing them." I assume these students have some basic scientific holes around creationism and evolution, but no different than a religious private school.)
2. Shaken Baby Syndrome was probably a bit of a horrific witch hunt.
(both via you all, elsewhere)
3. E. Messily: Stay classy, fake interpreter dude.

Fuck the police and judicial system.
on 05.07.14
I'm not entirely sure that there is an angle to debate, with the Cecily McMillan case where she was sentenced to seven years for throwing an elbow at a cop who grabbed her breast. But maybe I'm just not creative enough.
(Two different links there, both via some of you elsewhere)

All Joy And No Fun
on 05.07.14
It seems impossible that you guys didn't discuss the article on the downer that is parenting when it came out (now there's a book). I just read it, and it's actually quite good, if a bit pat at the end. She gets people to let their hair down a bit--"They're a huge source of joy, but they turn every other source of joy to shit"--while dealing with the points that naturally arise: has parenting changed? Why do we worry so much about doing it right and not enough about political changes that would make it better? What do we mean by "happiness" anyway? Recommended!

Jim Henley
on 05.06.14
Jim Henley has long been one of the truly decent guys in our corner of the blog world, and he's now dealing with a very rough illness. Details, and a chance to donate money to aid in his treatment, are here. Please consider donating if you're at all able.
I'll leave this post up top for a day.

Guest Post: Step Away From The Internet
on 05.06.14
Mr. Smearcase writes: My reactions to this video are
1) oh shut up
2) TL;DW
3) this is probably slightly true
4) I mean I do think a fair amount about what would I be doing with my time if I weren't buried in internet approximately always
5) but I mean come the fuck on, good things aren't sitting there waiting to happen as soon as you shut the laptop
6) GOTO 1
Heebie's take: (1) gets it exactly right.
This point occasionally comes up with my students; the glory days of personal connection pre-internet. But when I think back to pre-2004 or so, my days weren't chock full of meaningful social connections any more than they are now. I spent a lot of time alone, because I enjoy being alone. I saw people socially about the same amount, and sometimes I enjoyed people and sometimes I did not. So I don't buy this offa-lawnism whatsoever, in short.

Piketty Reading Group?
on 05.06.14
I have ordered a copy from Amazon, but god knows when I'll get it. When I do, who would be interested in a reading group? I figure it's my likeliest route to actually paying the book the attention it deserves.
If you'd be interested, leave a comment so I have a rough headcount. And figure out some way to obtain the book.

That's Just The Way We Are
on 05.05.14
We went to the in-laws' block party this weekend, and a drawling fifty-something guy came up to me and soon asked "what's your derivation?" I never took calculus, man, but I'm from Chicago. No, your ethnicity. This could have been uncomfortable, but he was Joe [Obviously Arab Name], and was just looking for a brother. As it turned out, he was something of a character, a litigator ("would I waste this personality sitting in an office all day?"), and a Joe [Obviously Arab Name] whose father had been an immigrant storekeeper, but who had himself been born and grown up in the South.
At one point, he said that a woman colleague had noted how she appreciated that Southern lawyers, unlike their Northern counterparts, still treat lady lawyers like ladies. I guffawed, thinking of LB and the other lady lawyers I know, and what they'd think of that sentiment. And he said, in his drawl, "But that's just the way we are," and by we, of course he meant Southern men.
We've established many times on this site that I'm painfully white in many ways, but that's not really how I feel, and that "we" of his was something of an epiphany--that's the difference between a first-generation (or 1.5 generation) immigrant, and a second generation immigrant. And it also really brought home the truth of something I "knew" in the sense of saying the words to express it, without truly believing it: even if we keep living here in the town I grew up in, my kids might have issues, but they sure won't be the same issues I had.
tl;dr: hooray for block parties.

In A Nutshell
on 05.05.14
Assuming you can figure out how to save 15% of the value of living in your parents' basement, this little booklet on saving for retirement sounds handy, and it's free on the Kindle store today.

My vocabulary's so big...
on 05.05.14
Which rappers have the biggest vocabulary? The numbers have been crunched.

on 05.05.14
I think one can build a case that Texas is the state that feeds its residents the most kool-aid - I remember a first year grad student who was dyed-in-the-wool saying, scientifically, "Texas is the best state because it has beaches and forests and desert and mountains. Anything that you can do in the United States, you can do in Texas." (An extremely sheltered kid of maybe 20 who was passionately Texas. Of course I responded, "Where are the mountains?") The point being that he'd been taught that line, somewhere along the way. (Texas, even overrated, is perfectly nice. But people get carried away.)(A former student of mine was gobsmacked to see that Texas is one of the most detested states by people in other states, in one of these sorts of maps.)
My point is veering off, though. Which profession has its members drinking the most serious koolaid? I'm trying to thing of what people could do, day in and day out, and convince themselves that it's way better than it actually is. A very pleasant profession full of smug people doesn't cut it - I'm wondering which profession has the biggest gap. Which people kidding themselves most about their job?
(I have an answer which popped into my head, but I'm going to refrain from saying it yet.)

on 05.04.14
For dinner I decided to make colcannon. First, the kale had one snail and two inchworms (and a ton of dirt in it), and I was totally grossed out but tried to feel virtuous about it or something. Potatoes took forever, as they do. Mashing them took forever and I got grumpy and tired.
The recipe said to boil the kale in milk until it softened. Milk? Sure, why not. Ok, I boiled the kale until it turned a pretty shade of green. When I went to add the kale to the potatoes, I realized the milk had curdled. I thought maybe I could rinse the kale off, but the white stuff didn't really come off.
For some reason I mixed the kale - and the curdled white stuff - together with the potatoes, (why? why would I do this?) and then tasted it, and it tasted...off. Of course it did.
By this point I was ready to punch a hole in the wall or cry or go to bed. Jammies suggested that he stay home from his soccer game and take the kids out to dinner, which helped.
Instead I picked all the little kale pieces out of the mashed potatoes, because somehow it became important to me to salvage the potatoes. So we're going to eat mashed potatoes and broccoli, in separate piles. This stupid dinner has now taken almost two hours to make.

on 05.04.14
So have you all finished that book that everyone is so into, yet? Did I miss that we'd discussed it already? It seems pretty neat.